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Ignou Question Bank

Ignou Question Bank (429)

Ignou Question Bank from previous year papers

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Ms-422 Question Bank

Ms-422 Question Bank (6)

Ms-422 Question Bank, Bank financial Management

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Ms-423 Question  Bank

Ms-423 Question Bank (6)

Ms-423 Question Banks,  Marketing Of Financial Services 

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Ms-424 Question Bank

Ms-424 Question Bank (5)

Ms424 Question Bank,  International Banking Management 

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Ms-425 Question Bank

Ms-425 Question Bank (6)

Ms-425 Question Bank:, Electronic Banking And It In Banks 

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Ms-494 Question Bank

Ms-494 Question Bank (2)

Ms-494 Question Bank,  Risk Management In Banks 

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Ms-495, Question Bank

Ms-495, Question Bank (2)

Ms-495, Question Bank,  Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks 

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Ms-611 Question Bank

Ms-611 Question Bank (0)

Ms-611 Question Bank Rural Marketing 

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Ms- 612 Question Bank

Ms- 612 Question Bank (0)

Ms- 612 Queston Bank, Retail Management 

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IB0-01 Question Bank

IB0-01 Question Bank (2)

IB0-01 Question Banks,  International Business Environment 

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IBO-02 Question Banks

IBO-02 Question Banks (3)

IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 

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IB0-03 Question Banks

IB0-03 Question Banks (3)

IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade 

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IB0-04 Question Bank

IB0-04 Question Bank (3)

IB0-04 Quesiton Bank,  Export - Import Procedures And Documentation 

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IBO-05 Question Banks

IBO-05 Question Banks (3)

IBO-05 , Question Bank,  International Marketing Logistics 

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IBO-06 Question Bank

IBO-06 Question Bank (3)

IBO-06 Question bank,  International Business Finance 

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MCO-01 Question Bank

MCO-01 Question Bank (2)

MCO-01 Questoin Bank, Organisation Theory And Behaviour 

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MC0-03 Question Bank

MC0-03 Question Bank (2)

MC0-03 Question Bank,  Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 

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MCO-04 Question Bank

MCO-04 Question Bank (2)

MCO-04 Question Bank,  Business Environment 

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MC0-06 Question Bank

MC0-06 Question Bank (2)

MC0-06 Question Bank,  Marketing Management 

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MC0-07 Question Bank

MC0-07 Question Bank (2)

MC0-07 Question Bank,  Financial Management 

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MCO-05 Question Bank

MCO-05 Question Bank (1)

MCO-05 Question Bank,  Accounting For Managerial Decisions 

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December, 2012

Ms-95 : Research Methodology For Management Decisions


1.  What is a hypothesis ? Can it be considered as a valid fact ? Is a hypothesis always necessary in research?

2.  What is a likert-type rating scale ? Why is it called a scale of summated rating ? Mention its advantages and limitations.

3.  Name the different methods of data collection and discuss the factors upon which the choice of a method for a given research project depend.

4.  Differentiate between 'statistic' and 'parameter'. In view of above differentiation describe what do you understand by sampling ? Why is it used in Management Research ?

5.  Why are quotations used in research report ? What are various forms of quotations ? When are they used ? How ?

6.  Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a)  Factor Analysis

(b)  Standard Error

(c)  Latin Square Design

(d)  Proof Reading


7.  A test is given to graduates of two business schools A and B. The scores are given out of 100. Test whether the school differ in quality by using Mann-Whitney U - test with a 10% level of significance.

Test Scores

School A 97 69 73 84 76 92 90 88 84 87 93

School B 88 99 65 69 97 84 85 89 91 90 87 91 72

For your convenience, the following information is provided :

R1=134.5,  R2  = 165.5

Tabulated value of test statistic = 1.645 at 0.10 

June, 2013

Ms-95 : Research Methodology For Management Decisions


1. Explain the difference between exploratory research and conclusive research. Also, discuss the approaches used in both of them.

2. Discuss the main aspects of a questionnaire. What is an indicator of the effectiveness of a questionnaire to collect data ? Give example of two nominal and two ordinal variables that can be put in a questionnaire.

3. Explain Thurstone's Equal-Appearing Interval Scale. Clearly mention steps involved, advantages and limitations.

4. What are "Dependency" techniques and "Interdependency" techniques ? Classify multivariate techniques into these categories and briefly discuss any one technique.

5. What is the purpose of the methodology section of the research report ? What is included in this section ? Why is this section given high importance ?

6. Write short note on any two of the following :

(a) Exogeneous variables

(b) Partitions of total variation in one - way ANOVA

(c) Quota Sampling

(d) Steps in Item Analysis


7. Use the sign test to see if there is a difference between the number of days required to collect an account receivable before and after a new collection policy. Use the 0.05 significance level. 

































December, 2009

Ms-94 : Technology Management

1 (a) Define Technology and explain the process of effective Technology Management, bringing out clearly the steps involved in the process.

(b) Discuss the role of technology in the production process using the isoquant approach.

2.(a) "It is important to link technology strategy with business strategy." Why ? Explain and discuss how this linkage can be brought about.

(b) What factors should the licensor of technology look for while transferring his technology to the potential licensee ?

3.(a) "Improving the linkage between R & D and marketing is very much related to successful technology diffusion." Explain.

(b) Why is Technology Evaluation important ? What factors in general would a firm take into account in evaluating a technology before it acquires it ?

4 (a) Briefly explain international S & T Cooperation Programmes in India. How far, you think, they have been effective in strengthening national technological capabilities ?

(b) Differentiate between technological self-reliance and technological self-sufficiency. What should India presently aim at ?

5. Explain some of the techniques of Growth Curves as methods of technology forecasting. What are the merits and demerits of growth curves ?

6.(a) Discuss some useful activities of the industry associations or their agencies for the promotion of technology in India.

(b) Discuss the salient features of S & T policies of Japan.

7. Write notes on any four of the following :

(a) R & D expenditure in India

(b) Developing and training of human resources for promoting technological capabilities

(c) Technology missions

(d) Technology Business Incubators (TBIs)

(e) Institutional support for technology financing

(f) National Informatics Centre (NIC)

June, 2010

Ms-94 : Technology Management

1 (a) Define Technology and Technology Management. Explain the role and importance of technology management with special reference to India.

(b) Discuss the role of technology policies and policy instruments in achieving industrial and economic developmental goals.

2(a) Discuss the Technology Strategies. Give suitable examples.

(b) What is Technology Transfer ? Discuss the models of Technology Transfer with examples.

3. Define Technology Assessment (TA). Discuss the methodology of TA and compare various definitions of the stages involved in the process of TA.

4 (a) What is meant by diffusion of technology ? Discuss the role of opinion leaders in developing a diffusion strategy.

(b) Discuss the Research Infrastructure  available in India as a part of development of Science and Technology Infrastructure in India.

5. Discuss the impact of industrial policy and trade policy on Science and Technology Development in India.

6. (a) Discuss the role of the development finance institutions in providing funds for project financing.

(b) Discuss the role of Technical Consultancy Organisations (TCO's) and Technology Business Incubator in Promoting Technology Development in India.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Technology absorption process

(b) Linkages for Technology Management at Enterprise Level.

(c) Technology Evaluation

(d) Appropriate Technology

(e) Development and Training of Human Resources in Technology Organisation.

June, 2011

Ms- 94 : Technology Management

1.  (a) "Technology has been viewed differently by different people." Discuss the role and Importance of Technology Management.

(b) Distinguish clearly between Radical Innovation and Incremental Innovation ? Can we say that one is more important than the other ? Justify your answer.

2.  (a)  What does technology forecast involve ? Discuss the role of technology forecasting in the present day scenario.

(b) What are Horizontal and Vertical Technology Transfer ? Discuss the process involved.

3.  What are the different stages involved in Technology Assessment Process .? Explain

4.  Discuss the objectives, role and the present position of the following in promoting technology development in India :

(a)  Technical consultancy organizations;

(b)  Technology Entrepreneurs' Parks; and

(c)  Technology Business Incubators

5.  (a) Explain, with examples, the various stages in technology life cycle.

(b) Elaborate the various factors that determine technology development.

6.  What are production functions and how they help in understanding technology change ? Explain with examples.

7.  Write notes on the following :

(a)  Technology linkages at the enterprise level

(b)  Appropriate technology and its relevance 

December, 2011

Ms-94 : Technology Management

1. (a) Discuss some of the important positive and negative effects of technology in relation to various human need factors like air, water, food, shelter, health communications, transportation, education, etc.

(b) What is appropriate technology concept. Give examples to illustrate the concept.

2. (a) Discuss "brainstorming" as a method of technological forecasting in terms of

(i) the steps involved;

(ii) its applications; and

(iii) its merits and demerits.

(b) Give the categories of payments involved in pricing of technology. Illustrate with examples.

3. What does management of technology absorption involve ? Discuss the important constraints in technology absorption.

(b) "Making the most of technological innovations should be an explicit goal of each company." Explain the importance of technological diffusion, by giving suitable examples.

4. Discuss the role of Research Infrastructure in the development of Science and Technology. Illustrate with examples by giving different categories of science organisations in the country.

5. (a) Discuss the dimensions of Technology Information Services to corporates.

(b) Discuss the various factors that may govern the choice of a particular technology.

6. What do you understand by Technology Generation ? Discuss the various inputs required in the process of generation of technology.

7. Write notes on the following:

(a) Venture capital and its role.

(b) Technology Missions. 

December, 2012

Ms-94 : Technology Management

1.  (a)  Define Technology and Technology Management. Explain the various dimensions of Technology Management.

(b)  What do you mean by Technology Life Cycle ? Discuss this from the perspective of growth and diffusion.

2.  (a)  Briefly discuss production functions and technological change. Explain their interrelationship.

(b)  Discuss the role of Technology Forecasting at the national and enterprise level. How do they influence the decision making process ?

3.  (a)  Explain Technology Strategy and its importance at corporate level.

(b)  Explain in detail the various issues related to pricing of technology.

4.  (a)  Distinguish between Technology Adoption and Technology Absorption. Identify the major benefits of effective absorption of imported technology.

(b)  What is meant by diffusion ? Explain its importance in the context of technological innovation.

5.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Technology up gradation.

(b)  Stages of Technology information.

(c)  Methodology of Technology assessment.

(d)  Role of S and T in planning.

(e)  Routes of Technology Transfer.

6.  (a)  Explain the various criteria for evaluating R&D projects.

(b)  Elaborate your understanding about the process of deriving technology strategy for the enterprise. 

June, 2013

Ms-94 : Technology Management

1. What are the major changes brought about by development in information technology ? Discuss any two of them citing relevant examples.

2. Define technology forecasting. Explain any two technology forecasting methods giving examples.

3. Explain how does a company, which has imported a technology for a particular product adopt the 'technology absorption management strategy' to remain competitive in the market.

4. Write a brief account on the main features of technology policies followed by :

(a) United States of America (USA)

(b) Japan sssss

5. (a) Discuss the role of working capital in the success of a business.

(b) What are the factors, which are considered by financial institutions and commercial banks while evaluating a project proposal ? Discuss.

6. How is the evaluation of technology options and routes done ? Discuss. 

December, 2009

Ms-93 : Management of New and Small Enterprises


1.(a) "Small scale enterprises contribute more to the growth of Indian economy than large enterprises". Critically examine this statement.

(b) Describe the process of development of entrepreneurial competencies.

2.(a) What are the factors that influence the process of product selection ?

 (b) Describe the qualitative and quantitative factors that a small scale entrepreneur should consider for "location analysis" of the project.

3. Discuss the institutional interface created by Government of India for the support and development of small scale enterprises with various support measures and incentives given by various institutions. Explain with suitable examples.

4.(a) What is trade credit ? How does it help a small firm in managing its finances ?

(b) Highlight the importance of "Training function" for a small business.

5. (a) What do you mean by trading on equity ? Discuss the role of "leveraging" in growth of a small firm.

(b) Give an overview of project preparation process for a small unit.


6. Briefly explain any four of the following :

(a) Venture capital

(b) TQM in small scale sector

(c)Technology upgradation in small business

(d) Techno-Economic feasibility

(e) Succession issues in family business

7. (a) What is SIDBI ? Discuss its role and various schemes for the promotion of small scale sector in our country.

(b) Describe the organisational requirements for growth orientation in a small firm.

June, 2010

Ms-93 : Management of New and Small Enterprises


1. (a) What are the salient features of small scale units ? Examine the role of SSI sector in the economic development of India.

(b) Define "opportunity" from the stand point of an Entrepreneur. Describe the probable sources, where from the entrepreneurial opportunities emerge. Give examples of  few current opportunities.

2 (a) Explain the factors that a small entrepreneur bear in mind while selecting appropriate technology for his/her enterprise ?

(b) Why is it critical for the entrepreneur to have the marketing orientation before setting up the venture ? Explain.

3(a) Discuss the steps involved in preparing a bankable business plan.

(b) "Selection of site offers a sustained competitive advantage to the small entrepreneur". Examine the statement and bring out the considerations involved in site selection.

4(a) Discuss the sources of short term and long term finance for small entrepreneur.

(b) Explain the use of Control Chart in Quality Management of an Enterprise.

5(a) Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of company form of organisation.

(b) Discuss the various growth strategies that an entrepreneur can follow to develop his Business.


6. Distinguish between any four of the following :

(i) Opportunity identification and opportunity selection.

(ii) Small and medium enterprises.

(iii) Memorandum of Association and Article of Association.

(iv) Strategy and structure.

(v) Cost over-run and Time over-run.

7. (a) Compare the management practices of a professional company with that of a family business.

(b) What are Entrepreneurial Competencies ? How can these competencies be developed in a prospective entrepreneur ?

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