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Ignou Question Bank

Ignou Question Bank (429)

Ignou Question Bank from previous year papers

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Ms-422 Question Bank

Ms-422 Question Bank (6)

Ms-422 Question Bank, Bank financial Management

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Ms-423 Question  Bank

Ms-423 Question Bank (6)

Ms-423 Question Banks,  Marketing Of Financial Services 

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Ms-424 Question Bank

Ms-424 Question Bank (5)

Ms424 Question Bank,  International Banking Management 

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Ms-425 Question Bank

Ms-425 Question Bank (6)

Ms-425 Question Bank:, Electronic Banking And It In Banks 

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Ms-494 Question Bank

Ms-494 Question Bank (2)

Ms-494 Question Bank,  Risk Management In Banks 

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Ms-495, Question Bank

Ms-495, Question Bank (2)

Ms-495, Question Bank,  Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks 

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Ms-611 Question Bank

Ms-611 Question Bank (0)

Ms-611 Question Bank Rural Marketing 

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Ms- 612 Question Bank

Ms- 612 Question Bank (0)

Ms- 612 Queston Bank, Retail Management 

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IB0-01 Question Bank

IB0-01 Question Bank (2)

IB0-01 Question Banks,  International Business Environment 

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IBO-02 Question Banks

IBO-02 Question Banks (3)

IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 

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IB0-03 Question Banks

IB0-03 Question Banks (3)

IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade 

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IB0-04 Question Bank

IB0-04 Question Bank (3)

IB0-04 Quesiton Bank,  Export - Import Procedures And Documentation 

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IBO-05 Question Banks

IBO-05 Question Banks (3)

IBO-05 , Question Bank,  International Marketing Logistics 

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IBO-06 Question Bank

IBO-06 Question Bank (3)

IBO-06 Question bank,  International Business Finance 

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MCO-01 Question Bank

MCO-01 Question Bank (2)

MCO-01 Questoin Bank, Organisation Theory And Behaviour 

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MC0-03 Question Bank

MC0-03 Question Bank (2)

MC0-03 Question Bank,  Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 

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MCO-04 Question Bank

MCO-04 Question Bank (2)

MCO-04 Question Bank,  Business Environment 

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MC0-06 Question Bank

MC0-06 Question Bank (2)

MC0-06 Question Bank,  Marketing Management 

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MC0-07 Question Bank

MC0-07 Question Bank (2)

MC0-07 Question Bank,  Financial Management 

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MCO-05 Question Bank

MCO-05 Question Bank (1)

MCO-05 Question Bank,  Accounting For Managerial Decisions 

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December, 2009

Ms-425: Electronic Banking and it in Banks

1.(a) What is internet connectivity ? Briefly discuss its applications.

(b) Distinguish between asynchronous and synchronous transmission.

2. What are the different technologies required for call centres ? Discuss the advantages of Internet Banking.

3. What is Tele-banking ? Explain what kind of hardware and software are required to conduct banking business from home ?

4. What do you understand by MICR ? How does it help in clearing of instruments ?

5. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of SCM. What are the characteristics of Web-centric SCM ?

6. "A successful CRM solution deployment  is based not only on obtaining the right technology but also on successful implementation" Discuss this statement and bring out the different steps that are involved in implementing a successful CRM solution.

7. What is system Audit ? What are its objectives ? How is it different from Computer Audit ?

8. What is data mining ? What are the technologies which support data mining solutions ? Discuss.

June, 2010

Ms-425: Electronic Banking and it in Banks

1. Explain different types of networks and distinguish between LAN and WAN.

2. "True Internet Banks are those that allow customer to conduct transactions through their Web sites". Explain,  this statement and discuss the security issues in Internet Banking.

3. Explain the structure of Management information system and discuss the need for information system in banks.

4. Distinguish between a credit card and a debit card. List out the different types of smart cards and explain how is a smart card superior to a magnetic stripe card ?

5. What is Supply Chain management ? Discuss the principles on which it is based. Distinguish between ERP and SCM.

6. What is Customer Relationship Management (CRM) ? Discuss the different performance indicators of a CRM solution.

7. Explain the functioning of a generalized audit software package. List out five audit softwares other than generalized audit softwares.

8. What do you understand by system design ? Explain the various components of feasibility study for system design ?

June, 2011

Ms-425 : Electronic Banking and it in banks

1.  Explain the term "Networked Bank". Describe the three major components of a Networked Bank. Briefly discuss the five major technologies which enable a networked bank.

2.  What is an ATM ? Explain the three major components of ATM. List a few advantages and limitations of ATM.

3.  Discuss the need for an Automated Document Handling System in a Bank. Explain the major issues/components involved in Document Handling.

4.  List the nine key activities normally carried out in conducting a business. Explain the specific functions associated with these activities in an electronic commerce setting. List the components of a three - layered electronic commerce architecture for supporting electronic commerce activities and functions.

5.  Explain what do you understand by 'Supply Chain Management (SCM)'. What functions are included in SCM ? "Technology is the enabler of SCM", Explain how ?

6.  Explain the Anomaly Detection and Signature Recognition methods for detecting intrusions in a network. Explain the mechanism of a Firewall as a measure for Network Security.

7.  Discuss the Human Resources of Information Systems. Illustrate with Examples Emerging Technologies and their uses requiring new skills expected of the human resources.

8.  What is a Data warehouse ? What advantages a data warehouse offers to a bank ? Illustrate with the help of appropriate examples.

December, 2011

Ms-425: Electronic Banking And It In Banks

1. What is a Local Area Network (LAN) ? Explain its characteristics and discuss the basic elements that are required to install LAN in an organisation.

2. What is a 'Networked Bank' ? Discuss the major technologies which enable the networked bank.

3. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Discuss the different levels of MIS structure and their information needs in an organisation.

4. What is 'Tele Banking' ? Discuss the services generally provided by banks under tele-banking and the technologies used for this purpose.

5. What is the role of 'Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) ? Discuss the main elements of an EDI system.

6. What is 'Customer Relationship Management' (CRM) ? Discuss the various steps involved in the implementation of a successful CRM solution.

7. What is 'Biometric Security' ? Discuss the widely used biometric techniques. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of Biometric Security.

8. Discuss briefly the following :

(a) Strategic Resource Planning

(b) Decision Support Systems. 

December, 2012

Ms-425: Electronic Banking And It In Banks

1.  Explain the concept of a Local Area Network (LAN) and its advantages. Describe the basic elements of a LAN and their respective functions including LAN Hardware and Software Media, and Communication equipment.

2.  Explain the concept of Electronic Mail (E-mail) and list its advantages. How does one get connected to internet ? Describe the on-line (leased line and VSAT) and off-line (dial-up) method for establishing connectivity to internet.

3.  (a)  What is a DSS ? Explain the Interactive Decision-making process of DSS.

(b)  Describe the 10 essential characteristics of a Decision Support System.

4.  Explain the Shared Payment Network System (SPNS) for enabling transactions to be carried out from any of the ATMs connected to the Network. What are its advantages ? Also discuss how the fund settlement is done in SPNS.

5.  (a)  Explain the concept of Internet Banking.

(b)  List and describe the four major ,Security Issues in Internet Banking.

6.  (a)  Briefly describe the role of a clearing house in the clearance of cheques.

(b)  Explain the MICR clearing system.

7.  (a)  Define Electronics Commerce. What advantages does it offer over the traditional paper based commerce ?

(b)  Explain various Electronics Commerce activities and their functions.

8.  (a)  What is a data warehouse ? Explain the usefulness of a data warehouse for a bank.

(b)  Briefly describe the major steps involved in a data warehouse implementation. 

June, 2013

Ms-425: Electronic Banking and It In Banks

1. Briefly describe the OSI Reference Model. Explain the functions of the Network Access layer, Transport layer and the Application layer for managing the communication task by the OSI model.

2. Explain the need for information systems in banks. Describe the structure of MIS in a bank highlighting the information support required for decisions to be taken at the levels of Top management, Middle management and Lower management.

3. (a) What are the six different groups into which the banking software can broadly be

categorized to support various functions of a bank ?

(b) "A financial services website is comparable to the brick and mortar bank". Give your

reasons to justify this statement.

4. What is "Electronic Data Interchange" ? How is it different from the traditional document exchange ? Discuss the EDI technology components and the process of EDI.

5. (a) Explain the concept of Satellite Transmission.

(b) Describe the advantages of VSAT technology for banks.

6. What do you understand by the term "Electronic Money" ? Briefly explain the following models used in the context of payment systems :

(a) Joint Electronic Payments Initiative (JEPI)

(b) Secure Electronic Transaction (SET) initiative

(c) Cyber cash

(d) Digi cash

7. (a) Explain the security threats in a typical local area network (LAN), viz, Impersonation, Eavesdropping, Data alteration, and Denial of Service.

(b) Describe different categories of an Intrusion Detection System (IDS).

8. (a) What is data mining ? "Data Mining enhances the utility of an organization's

data warehouse". Give your comments in support of this statement.

(b) What are the technologies which support data mining solutions ? 

December, 2009

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1. What do you understand by International Banking ? Explain the various reasons for the growth of international banking.

2. Explain the objectives and responsibilities of the International Monetary Fund and discuss the various facilities provided by it.

3. Discuss the following :

(a) Reverse repo rate


(c) IBRD

(d) MICA

4. (a) What is Derivative ? Discuss the various derivative products which are used to price and transfer financial risks.

(b) Define Risk Management. Discuss the different types of risks that banks are exposed to in the present day context.

5. What do you understand by capital adequacy ? Describe the various steps taken by the Reserve Bank of India in recent times to strengthen the capital adequacy ratios of Indian banks.

6. What are the principles laid down in Basel Concordat 1975 .? Discuss its deficiencies and the various attempts to overcome those deficiencies.

7. What do you understand by Capital Market ? Discuss the various types of financial instruments floated in these markets at the global level.

8. What are the objectives of Treasury Management ? Explain the different functions of asury management.

June, 2011

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks.

2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992 ?

3.  Discuss the following :

(a)  Big Mullah theory.

(b)  FASB 133

(c)  FCNR (B)

(d)  Foreign Currency Loans.

4.  Explain the term 'Jurisdiction' in international law paralance. What are the different types of jurisdiction ?

5.  What is the role of Lead Management Team in raising funds from the capital market ? Discuss the various experts who consist the Lead Management Team.

6.  What do you understand by risk management ? Discuss the different types of risks that banks are exposed to in the present day context.

7.  What is Treasury Management ? Discuss the traditional functions of Treasury Management.

8.  What do you understand by globalisation ? Discuss the various causes of globalisation and its consequences on international banking. 

June, 2011

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Explain the functions of Bank for international settlements. Describe its role in achieving cooperation among various central banks.

2.  Describe the role of the Basel Committee at the centre of international financial regulation. What are the principles of the Basel Concordat, 1992 ?

3.  Discuss the following :

(a)  Big Mullah theory.

(b)  FASB 133

(c)  FCNR (B)

(d)  Foreign Currency Loans.

4.  Explain the term 'Jurisdiction' in international law paralance. What are the different types of jurisdiction ?

5.  What is the role of Lead Management Team in raising funds from the capital market ? Discuss the various experts who consist the Lead Management Team.

6.  What do you understand by risk management ? Discuss the different types of risks that banks are exposed to in the present day context.

7.  What is Treasury Management ? Discuss the traditional functions of Treasury Management.

8.  What do you understand by globalisation ? Discuss the various causes of globalisation and its consequences on international banking. 

December, 2012

Ms-424: International Banking Management

1.  Discuss the different forms and types of regulations in relation to International Banking.

2.  Briefly explain the role played by the following :

(a)  Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)

(b)  International Development Association (IDA)

3.  Why is 'Choice of Law' important in International Banking? Discuss the factors which

influence the Choice of Law.

4.  What are 'Foreign Bonds' and 'Euro Bonds' ? Distinguish between the main features of these Bonds.

5.  What do you understand by 'deployment of resources'? Identify and discuss the various Heads/ Activities which banks deploy their resources in the context of International Banking.

6.  Write short notes on the following:

(a)  Non-financial risks

(b)  Interest rate risk

(c)  Market risk

(d)  Operational risk

7.  What do you understand by Globalisation? Discuss the causes which lead to globalisation in the Financial Services Industry.

8.  What are 'Options'? Discuss the characteristics, benefits, and disadvantages of options. Also explain the pricing of options. 

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