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IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 

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IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade 

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IB0-04 Quesiton Bank,  Export - Import Procedures And Documentation 

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IBO-05 , Question Bank,  International Marketing Logistics 

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IBO-06 Question bank,  International Business Finance 

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June, 2013

Ms-65 : Marketing of Services


1. (a) Discuss 'Inseparability' and 'Perishability' as characteristics of services. Also describe their marketing implications for a hospital.

(b) What are the additional three 'Ps' of service Marketing Mix ? Discuss each . Also discuss the relevance of 'Services Marketing Triangle' for a consultancy company.

2. (a) "One of the most significant differences between goods and services is that in goods search qualities dominate while services are dominated by experience and credence qualities." Discuss the above statement with suitable examples.

(b) Describe the 'Psychological Factors' influencing the buyer behaviour of services,

with suitable examples.

3. (a) What are the major methods of distribution in services ? Discuss with suitable examples.

(b) Discuss the importance of 'Internal Marketing' for a service organisation.

4. Write short notes on any three :

(a) Segmentation in the Tourism Market

(b) Measuring Service Quality

(c) Strategies for Managing Demand

(d) Classification of Product Support Services

(e) Service Recovery Strategies.


5. Rockland Group has entered into the health care during the last decade, during the time when large health care companies like Apollo, Forties, Max and many others were already established. Rockland decided not to go for very large size hospitals but to have a network of relatively smaller size properties.

(a) What could be possible 'Distribution' related strategies Rockland has adopted, which

might give them an advantage over its competitors ?

(b) What are the various non-monetary costs relating to Health Care Services ? Explain.

(c) Suggest a suitable promotion mix for the Rockland Hospitals

June, 2010

Ms-64 : International Marketing


1(a) Why has there been such an increase in interest by business firms in international marketing ? Will this continue to increase ? Why, or why not ?

(b) What is the basic objective of setting up of Export Promotion Councils ? Explain their major functions.

2(a) Explain the meaning of the following statement : 'If a company is to be successful in foreign markets, it's management must have a good understanding of all aspects of the environment within which it will be operating'.

(b) Explain the following Incoterms with the help of examples :

(i) Ex-works

(ii) CIF

(iii) DDP

3. (a) Explain the alternative product -communication strategies available to an international marketer.

(b) Outline the procedure for conducting International Marketing Research, giving suitable examples.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Regional Economic Groupings

(b) Commercial Invoice and Proforma Invoice

(c) International media strategy Containerizations

(d) Transfer pricing


5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.


The annual planning process was well under way  at the Mumbai headquarters of Star Engineering. In two week's time the final international marketing plan must be presented to the board of directors. Star Engineering was established in 1950. It had grown from a local to a regional and then a national company. In the 1980s the company became active in exporting. It had been particularly successful in the Middle East and in South East Asia. Competition was particularly strong in the United States and in Japan. Because of this,  star had, in the past, made a policy decision to avoid entering these two markets. Star  currently has 65 percent of the Indian market, in total worth $200 million. In the middle East, it has 20 percent of a market worth approximately $100 million, while in South East Asia it has 25 percent of a market worth $ 180 million. The main strategic thrust of the planning process this year is an expressed corporate aim to move towards world leadership, or, as the company chairman preferred to call it, to become the world star, instead of a rather modest world player. Company sales turnover last year had grown by only 1 percent, to $ 210 million. The world recession impacted particularly severely on the civil engineering industry, Star's main customer group, so in all the circumstances a 1 percent increase was a very creditable performance. Net profits, on the other hand, were reduced by 11 percent to $ 16 million. During the late 1990s Star Engineering began a process of becoming a more international company. Initially all non-Indian sales came from exporting. However, sales offices were set up in Dubai and Singapore. Later, a distribution depot was established in Singapore. This helped sales through improved customer services and the reassurance to customers created by Star's tangible presence. In the future the company intends to manufacture in several other sites in addition to India. This would create some benefits for Star's international performance, but would also involve increased risks, particularly those created by political change. The company needs to develop a more international marketing culture. Currently, it is unsure how to proceed ?

Questions :

(a) Discuss the marketing implications of the process of increased international involvement of Star Engineering.

(b) Comment upon the cultural implications of the proposed organizational change.

(c) What approach would you propose to Star Engineering for evaluating existing and new overseas markets given its existing level of expertise and involvement ?

June, 2011

Ms- 64 : International Marketing


1.  (a) What are the reasons for a firm entering into international markets ? Discuss giving

suitable examples.

(b) In the context of international marketing, do you think that the political risk would be country specific or firm specific or both ? Elaborate.

2.  (a) Explain the modus operandi of a letter of credit in international transactions.

(b) 'An international marketer has to find out a trade-off between standardized and customized products as it is difficult to evolve a global product'. Do you agree with the above statement ? Justify your answer with suitable examples.

3.  (a) Now do media options available to international marketers vary across regions ? Discuss with the help of examples.

(b) With the help of examples, explain how a marketer can use "country attractiveness competitive strengths" matrix to define the direction of growth of the organisation.

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Scope of international marketing research

(b)  Incoterms

(c)  Deemed exports

(d)  Decision areas in strategic planning for international marketing

(e)  Transfer pricing


5.  Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.


Hi-Fashion Ltd. is a small  scale  manufacturer of high quality fashion garments. Its annual sales is Rs 35 million, mostly in a few major cities in India. It does not have its own distribution outlets but markets its products under its own brand name through selected retailers. Domestic market for fashion garments is fairly limited and also does not offer any. Substantial growth in the immediate future The proprietor of Hi-Fashion Ltd. is considering to enter international markets. He undertook a market survey and found that European Union (EU) is the most lucrative apparel market in the world and has following characteristics.

(i)  EU wages and fringe benefits are very high and hence its apparel industry is mainly dependent on import from developing countries.

(ii)  Packaging is of concern to them and hence exporters have to modify the packing or descriptive text on them

(iii)  Retail mark ups are high

(iv)  Two seasons are there in which buying takes place in EU-summers and winters. Six months advance buying is a norm for meeting season requirements.

(v)  There are apparel chains spread out in EU.

Questions :

(a)  What alternative market entry strategies can be used by Hi-Fashion Ltd. ?

(b)  Discuss the importance of study of cultural factors for Hi-Fashion Ltd.

(c)  What kind of assistance can Hi-Fashion Ltd. get from different institutions in India

December, 2011

Ms-64 : International Marketing


1. (a) Describe the differences between ethnocentric, polycentric, regiocentric, and geocentric orientations. How do these orientations affect international marketing practices ?

(b) Differentiate between various types of Regional Economic Groupings giving suitable examples.

2. (a) One of your friends has approached you for guidance on his plan to export frozen fruits and vegetables. Explain to him about the institutional support available to facilitate

his export efforts.

(b) Explain various elements of cost used in preparing an export pricing quotation.

3. (a)  You have received an export order for export of bicycles to Cambodia. Discuss the

steps that you will take to execute the export order.

(b)  'Conducting marketing research across different parts of the globe poses different issues and challenges.' Do you agree with the statement ? Justify your answer with the help of suitable examples.

4. Write short notes on any Three  of the following :

(a) International marketing control.

(b) Media strategy for international markets

(c) Managing political risk

(d) IBRD

(e) Bill of Lading


5.  Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

The Global Expansion of subway Restaurants. The subway story began in 1965 when Dr. Peter Buck loaned Fred Deluca USD $1,000 to open a sandwich shop in Bridgeport, U.S.A. Since that time, subway sandwich shops has grown to more than 32,000 restaurants in 90 countries makingits founder a bilionaire. Subway remains a 100 percent franchised organisation and all subway restaurants are individually owned and operated. More than 7,500 subway stores have opened outside the United States, including developing nations like India, Croatia and China. Initially subway did not seek to expand

internationally, but when an entrepreneur from Bahrain approached the company about opening a sandwich shop on the Persian Gulf Island, Subway decided to accept the challenge of global expansion. Expanding a food venture into a foreign country involves many issues, such as finding quality supplies for use in making sandwiches. Subway insists on a "gold standard of quality" when adapting to international environments. To properly train new Franchise owners in locations around the globe, subway has to adopt to different languages and cultures. When it enters a new market, the primary issues it faces are building brand awareness and learning about potential customer's eating preferences and customs. Subway has positioned its menu as a more health-conscious choice.

Questions :-

(a) Is Subway's health-conscious positioning the best promotional platform to expand stores internationally ? Why or why not ?

(b) What are some advantages and disadvantages of using franchised owner-operators to expand internationally ?

(c) Would you recommend product standardisation or adaptation strategy to the company for its Indian Operations ? Justify your choice.

(d) How important is it for subway to study the cultural factors in India ? Explain giving

suitable examples. 

December 2012

Ms-64 : International Marketing


1.  Differentiate between the following:

(a)  Ethnocentric and Geocentric Orientations.

(b)  Customs Union and Common Market.

(c)  Commercial Invoice and Proforma Invoice.

(d)  Domestic Planning and International Planning.

2.  (a)  Enumerate the elements that make up culture. Why is an understanding of different cultures important to an international marketing manager?

(b)  With the help of examples explain the alternative  product-communication strategies available to an international marketer.

3.  (a)  What is containerization? Discuss the advantages offered by containerization in

international logistics.

(b)  Briefly explain the components of international advertising strategy. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of standardization of international advertising programme of a Multinational Company.

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Modes of entry into international markets.

(b)  Bill of Lading.

(c)  Transfer Pricing.

(d)  Export Promotion Councils.

(e)  International Product Life Cycle.


5.  (a)  Explain the basic steps in international marketing research process. Select an industrialized country and a least developed country and state how conducting marketing research would be different in the two ?

(b)  You have to export a machine from a manufacturing unit in Mumbai to London. Assuming that the export is by sea, explain the effects of terms of delivery on the price to be quoted. You may take hypothetical figures for various cost components. 

June, 2013

Ms-64 : International Marketing


1. (a) What are the economic and non - economic reasons that a firm considers for entering International Markets ? Explain.

(b) What are the different forms of Regional Economic Groupings for trade cooperation ? Give examples to illustrate your answer.

2. Discuss in brief the conceptual framework of Global Marketing. What are the different phases involved ? Give a brief explanation of each phase involved, with examples.

3. (a) Briefly explain the important contract terms (INCOTERMS) as defined by International Chamber of Commerce at the time of making an export contract.

(b) Discuss the various elements of Culture of Concern to International Marketer.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Role of World Bank

(b) Developments in International Monetary System

(c) Letter of Credit

(d) International Product Policy

(e) Techniques of International Marketing Research.



5. A manufacturer of Handloom products is planning to enter international markets. He has a well established domestic business and wants to go overseas. Discuss :

(a) The ways in which he can go International.

(b) What environmental analysis he has to undertake to understand the overseas markets ?

(c) The organisations he can approach which can guide him and facilitate his export efforts.

December, 2009

Ms-63 : Product Management



1. Distinguish between the following giving suitable examples :

(a) Shopping and Speciality goods

(b) Product Line and Product Mix

(c) Product Positioning and Product Differentiation.

(d) Market Potential and Market demand.

2. (a) Comment upon the significance of branding for consumer products in today's competitive marketing environment.

(b) How would your approach to packaging be different while marketing industrial goods as compared to consumer goods ? Explain giving examples.

3. (a) Taking the example of a toothpaste, explain how you can generate new product ideas using Attribute Analysis.

(b) Explain the various interpretations of the term 'new product' giving suitable examples.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Bases for Product Line Extension

(b) Product Portfolio concept and its  importance for marketers.

(c) Organising for new product development at the corporate level.

(d) Industrial designing

(e) Break-even analysis


5. (a) You have been asked to manage the test marketing effort of a company, introducing its new product, a herbal cold cream, in the market. Explain how you would select the test market, decide upon the test market duration and collect data from the test markets.

(b) Briefly explain the concept of Product Life Cycle. What in your view is the stage in which touch screen mobile phones are in the Indian market ? Based on your answer suggest appropriate promotion strategies.

June, 2010

Ms-63 : Product Management


1. (a) Explain the terms 'convenience products' and 'speciality products' giving suitable examples. Briefly compare a producer's marketing - mix for a convenience product with those for a speciality product.

(b) Explain the BCG Matrix and discuss its strategic implications.

2. (a) Briefly explain the product Life Cycle Concept. How might a company's advertising and sales promotion strategies differ, depending on whether its brand of a

product is in the introductory stage or in the maturity stage of its life cycle ?

(b) Discuss the functions performed by branding for the consumers. What brand name would you suggest for a range of high ibre, low sugar biscuits targetted at diabetics as well as calorie conscious consumers ? Justify your choice.

3(a) What are the objectives of test marketing ? Do you think test marketing has any disadvantages ? Discuss giving suitable examples.

(b) Explain the various interpretations of the term new product' giving some examples in each category.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Bases for product - line extension

(b) Brand equity measurements

(c) Functions of packaging

(d) Product prototyping

(e) Pricing the new product


5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end :

Launching a new toothpaste XYZ Ltd. is one of the successful manufacturers of packaging materials for both industrial and consumer products. The company has shown substantial growth over the years. Much of the company's growth is attributed to the high quality of its products. Keeping in view the growing market for consumer goods, the top management of the company decided to diversity into new consumer product areas. In the first instance, the company is thinking of entering into the toothpaste market. The company conducted an extensive  survey for deciding appropriate marketing and positioning strategy for the company's new brand of toothpaste. The survey revealed the following :

  • Toothpaste is a highly competitive market and is dominated by MNCs.
  • 85 to 90% of Indians are prone to dental diseases.
  • Over 60% of consumers surveyed were willing to try out a new brand of toothpaste if it offers added value.
  • The number of people who brushed their teeth at night was below 10%.
  •  The buying decision about various brands was very much influenced by the women in the households.
  • An average of 200 gms is consumed in a mouth in a household.
  • The market for toothpastes is growing at the rate of 15 - 20% per year.

Questions :

(a) Suggest some ways to the company for generating new product ideas for entering

the toothpaste market.

(b) Suggest alternative positioning bases which the company can use.

(c) Design an appropriate marketing strategy for launching the new product.

June, 2011

Ms- 63 : Product Management


1.  (a)   Briefly explain the concept of Product. Life Cycle (PLC). Do all products go through the classical belt shaped PLC ? Discuss giving suitable examples.

(b) What, in your view, is the PLC stage in respect of the following products in Indian market ? Based on your answer, suggest appropriate promotion and distribution strategies for them:

(i)  LCD Televisions

(ii)  Broadband services of Internet service provides.

2 (a)  What is a product ? faking the example of a consumer durable- of your choice, explain the anatomy of the product i.e. the core benefits, tangible specifications and augmented features.

(b)  Explain the various interpretations of the term 'new product'. Discuss the different pricing strategies available to a product manager for a new product.

3.  (a) Taking the example of a packaged fruit juice, explain the alternative bases available to the marketers for its positioning.

(b) Briefly explain the functions performed by packaging, Taking a FMCG (like biscuits, breakfast cereals, tomato sauce) of your choice, discuss what changes would you recommend and why in the packaging and labelling of the chosen product.

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following

(a)  Sources of new product ideas

(b)  Sales forecasting methods

(c)  Organising for new product development

(d)  Concurrent engineering

(e)  BCG Matrix


Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end of the case


I1ow can a gem company convince customers that its diamonds are a cut above the rest ? Increasingly the answer is branding. People are often very particular about the brands of shampoo or soap they buy but when they shop for a diamond, they probably don't have a specific brand in mind. Although an individual may have done some homework regarding the " Four Cs" of diamond value (Carat weight, colour, clarity and cut), she is unlikely to walk into a jewelry store and ask for a diamond by name - unless she wants a Hearts on Fire. Surat - based diamonds wholesaler Hearts on Fire, has put major marketing power behind its Hearts on Fire brand name diamond. Complete with a logo and marketing plan, The Hearts on Fire diamond is cut and designed to give the extra sparkle that inspired the brand's slogan : "The difference is perfection. It's a difference you can see." The owner of Hearts on Fire, went into the diamond wholesaling business in 1980 but it wasn't until 20 years later that he decided to boost his profit margin by creating a branded diamond backed by a full - fledged marketing campaign.

Questions :

(a)  Why would a customer have an interest in a branded diamond ?

(b)  Evaluate the phrase " Hearts on Fire " as a brand name.

(c)  Suggest a marketing programme to build brand equity for Hearts on Fire diamonds. 

December, 2011

Ms-63  :  Product Management


1.  (a)  Explain the term 'product line', giving suitable examples. Discuss the factors that make companies pursue product line extensions.

(b)  Taking a fast moving consumer good of your choice, discuss the distribution and promotion strategies that you would suggest for the different stages of its product life cycle.

2(a)  Describe the various functions performed by packaging in marketing of consumer goods, giving suitable examples.

(b)  How would you use the technique of Benefit-Structure Analysis to generate new product ideas ? Explain taking the example of a household cleansing agent.

3. (a)  Taking the example of a washing powder or a toilet soap explain how perceptual mapping can be used for product positioning ?

(b) Briefly explain any two types of display matrices used for product portfolio analysis.

Discuss the utility of display matrices for a product manager.

4. Write short notes on  any three  of the following :

(a) Product Management Decisions

(b) Product Prototypes

(c) New product development at corporate level

(d) Penetration and Skimming pricing strategies

(e) Types of new products


5.   Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end of the case.

Homemade Icecream Ltd Homemade Icecream Ltd, manufacturer of ice-cream and frozen yoghurt was founded in 1995. It soon became popular with its innovative flavours, made from fresh milk and cream. The company currently distributes ice-cream, frozen yoghurt and novelty products nationwide, in super-markets, grocery stores, franchised Homemade scoop shops, restaurants and other venues. Homemade's product strategy is to

differentiate its super premium brand from other ice-cream brands. The brand image reflects high quality, uniqueness, and a bit of amusement. For example, ' Chubby Hubby ' has Chunks of chocolate-covered peanut-butter-filled crisp biscuits in a rich Vanilla malt ice-cream. Other names in the company's line of ice-cream include Totally Nuts, Chunky Monkey, Super Fudge Chunk. The new product development and flavour naming process are a top priority at Homemade.

Questions  :

(a) Does Homemade use an individual or a family branding strategy ? What are the relative advantages and disadvantages of the two strategies ?

(b) What are the characteristics of a good brand name ? How do you rate Homemade flavour names based on these criteria ?

(c) Homemade plans to introduce a sugar free, low fat ice-cream targetted at calorie-conscious customers. How should it go about test marketing the same ? Suggest a suitable brand name for the new product. 

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