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ibo-05 solved paper

POST GRADUATE DIPLOMA IN INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS OPERATIONS/ MASTER OF COMMERCE Term-End Examination December, 2014 IBO-05 : INTERNATIONAL MARKETING LOGISTICS Time : 3 hours Maximum Marks : 100 Weightage : 70% Note : Attempt any five questions. All questions carry equal marks.

1. Explain the concept and elements of 'Marketing Logistics', and state the objectives to be achieved through a proper logistics system in the international marketing context.

 2. (a) Outline the role of road transport in movement of import and export cargo, and state the limitations of Indian road transport system in this context.

 (b) "Warehousing is an important link in the chain of marketing". Comment.

 3. "Despite increasing volume of India's overseas trade, the performance of Indian shipping has been rather disappointing". Elaborate on this statement and discuss the constraints faced by Indian shipping industry. 4. Distinguish between :

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