Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

Ms-56 June, 2013 Materials Management

June, 2013

Ms-56 : Materials Management

1. (a) What do you understand by the term 'materials management' ? Briefly describe its functions.

(b) Mention the four groups into which the Inventory carrying costs can be categorized. Briefly discuss them.

2. (a) Discuss the stages of source selection process. Which is the most critical stage as per your opinion ?

(b) What typical questions are included in a make - or - buy checklist ? Give category wise details.

3. (a) Discuss the activity of materials planning and budgeting for production and manufacturing of end products.

(b) Distinguish between :

(i) MRP

(ii) MRP II

4. (a) Discuss Economic Order Quantity (EOQ) model with no shortages. What are the assumptions made in this model ? Explain.

(b) Identify some factors influencing the WIP inventories.

5. (a) Is it always not possible to implement a good warehouse layout ? Comment on the management strategy keeping cost and time factors in mind.

(b) Mention the losses due to warehousing systems. Give reasons for generation and accumulation of these losses.

6. (a) What does it mean when it is said that a firm has organized according to the materials management concept ?

(b) Explicate the Balanced Score Card approach for control and performance appraisal of materials management.

Ms-56 December, 2012 Materials Management
Ms-61 June, 2010 Consumer Behaviour


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