Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

MS-3 – June-2009

MS-3 – June-2009


1.. Discuss the interaction matrix of economic and non-economic environment. How does the economic environment influence the non-economic environment of business and vice versa ? Explain with suitable examples.

2. what are the objectives of public sector? Elaborate the objectives which resulted in the growth of the public sector. Do you think public sector is critical to the growth of the economy ? Comment.

3. Discuss the main strategies that have been adopted since the beginning of Second Plan (1956). Also highlight the limitations' if any of these strategies in the current context.

4. How does the exchange rate of a nation's currency influence the balance of payments of an economy? Explain in terms of rupee convertibility on both the current and capital accounts'

5. "Financial sector reforms constitute an important component of the prograrnme

of stabilization and structural reform''.Elaborate the statement in the light of financial sector reforms in relation to public sctor banks.

MS-3 – June-2008
MS-3 – June-2010


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