Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

MS-3 – Dec-2007

MS-3 – Dec-2007


1. "The management movement in India has been relatively strong and distinct." Discuss the statement giving examples.

2. Explain industrial sickness. What are the factors responsible for sickness in small scale industry ? What remedial measures would you suggest for tackling the problem ?

3. Critically examine whether the regulatory and promotional policy framework is in accordance with the following goals and objectives of the economy :

(a) To achieve full employment, and

(b) To reduce inequalities in income and wealth.

4. What is the role of external debt in the economic development of a country and what are the implications of a growing external debt ? What measures are needed to check the growth of debt servicing burden ?

5- critically examine the Indian financial system in detail.

6. Comment on the following statements :

(a) Government involvement in Indian economy is a necessity.

(b) currently, consumers in India are conscious of their rights.

(c) Managers in the public sector are simirar to those in private sector; it is the work culture which is the impediment to higher efficiency.

(d) Although business is an economic activity, economic environment of business cannot be considered in isolation. It has to be considered in line with other social, cultural and technological factors.

(e) By keeping the doors open to multinational corporations, India is able to proceed along the.desired path of development.

7. Write short notes on any four :

(a) Social security

(b) Economic reforms and poverty

{c) Social responsibilities of business

(d) Mixed economy

(e) Economic growth

(f) Balance of payments

MS-3 – june-2011
Ms-3 Dec 2008


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