Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

Ms-23 dec 2008

MS-23    Dec, 2008


1. Define  and discuss  the objectives  of  Human   Resource  Planning.  Describe  Pianning Processes of  Human  Resource  Planning.

2. Explain the  concept  of  job evaluation  and discuss  any two  methods  adopted  to conduct  the  process citing  suitable  examples.

3. Discuss  the purpose and  process  of  recruitment  function.  Explain  methods  of  recruiting manpower  with  the help  of  illustration.

4. What  are the main  features  of  Human  Resource Information  System (HRIS)  in  an organisation ? Discuss  the usage  and advantages  of HRIS.

5.Write  short  notes on  any  three of  the  following  :

(a)  Succession planning

(b)  Competency mapping

(c)  HR inventory

(d)  Interview

(e)  Demand  forecasting


6. Read  the  case  given  below  and  answer  the  questions given  at the  end  :

The following  is  a memorandum from  the Managing Director  of  National  Audio  Clubs Limited  (NAC)  to  the  Chairman of  the Planning Committee of which  the  Personnel  Manager  is a member.

        There is  a need for  NAC  to  adopt  a more formal  approach to  manpower  planning.  We have  been  going through  a period  of  explosive growth  and  this  shows  no real  sign  of slackening. The problem we  have always faced  and are still facing  is  the  difficulty  of  making accurate  forecasts in the  fluid,  indeed  volatile,  environment  in  which we  operate.  But  we  must  find  a  way  of overcoming  this  problem in  order to  achieve  four main aims  : to  obtain forecasts  of  manpower costs  for budgeting purposes; to  determine,  as  accurately  as  we  can,  future requirements  so that  we  can plan  the necessary  recruitment  and  training programmes  to  fulfil  them; to  ensure  that  we  are making  the  most effective and  economical  use of  our  key resource  -  manpower

   Full case not available 

Questions  :

(a)  What  are the  main  contents of  the memorandum empha  sized  ?

(b)  \A/hat  indicators  are  highlighted in the data  provided  by the  MD  ?

(c)  Discuss  the  justification  of  the  action


(d)  As HR Manager,  what advice  would you  give  to  the  planningcommittee on

how to  tackle  this  manpower  planning task  ?

Ms-23 june 2011
Ms-23 dec 2009


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