Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

MCO-03 December, 2012 Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis

December, 2012

MCO-03 : Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis

1. (a) What do you mean by a research problem ? Explain the sources of research problem and the points to be considered while formulating the Research Problem.             (b) Explain how to formulate objectives in the hight of Research Problem.

2. Define a hypothesis. What are the advantages of formulating it in a research study ? Describe the criteria for workable hypothesis.      

3. (a) Give a brief description of the different kinds of diagram generally used in business

research to present the data.      

(b) Discuss the merits and limitations of median and mode as measures of central tendency.

4. The following table gives the frequency distribution of expenditure on education per family among middle class families in two cities.

Expenditure (in thousand Rs.)

No. of Families

City 'A'

City 'B'

3 – 6



6 – 9



9 – 12



12 – 15



15 – 18



18 – 21



21 – 24



(a) Find the standard deviation of the expenditure at both cities.

(b)  Find out which of the city shows greater variability.

5. (a) The following results have been ascertained from the time series data with the help of least square method. The duration of the time is from the year 2001 to 2007.

N = 7, =532, Ix = 0, /,xy = 136 /x2 =28

You are required to

(i)  fit a straight line

(ii)  using the straight line equation estimate the trend in 2011.

(b) From past records, about 40% of a firm's orders are for export. Their record for exports is 48% in one particular financial quarter. If they expect to satisfy about 80 orders in the next financial quarter, what is the probability that they will break their previous  export  record. (Table value of Z   1.46 = 0.4279)

6.  (a) What are the conditions required for applying chi-square test ? Explain its limitations for applying the test.

(b) In order to know the brand preference of two washing detergents, a sample of 1000 consumers were surveyed. 56% of the consumers preferred Brand X and 44% of the consumers preferred Brand Y. Do these data conform to the idea that consumers have no special preference for either brand ? Take significance level as 0.05. (Table Value at 5% level of significance and df =1 is 3.841.)

7.  What do you understand by conclusions and generalisations ? Explain the logical and statistical methods of generalisation.

8.  Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a)  Tests of Hypothesis 

(b)  Normal Distribution

(c)  Addition rule for Non-Mutually Exclusive Events

(d)  Sample size

(e)  Continuous Rating Scale

(f)  Multi-Stage sampling 

MCO-04 June, 2013 Business Environment
MC0-03 June, 2013 Research Methodology And Statist...


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