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IB0-03 December, 2012 India's Foreign Trade

December, 2012

IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade

1.  (a) Highlight major problems of India's Export Sector.

(b) On what grounds is the strategy of export- led growth held justified for India ? Give reason in support of your answer.

2(a)  Distinguish between balance of trade and balance of payment.

(b)  Discuss the role of Invisibles in the Balance of Payments of India.

3.  Explain the major provisions of recent Export Policy of India. How will they help to boost exports from India in coming years ?

4.  What are the eligibility criteria, for various categories for recognition of Export Houses ? Describe the benefits and facilities provided to such Export Houses.

5.  (a) What are India's competitive advantages and disadvantages in export of leather and leather products ?

(b) Explain policies and strategies followed to boost export of leather and leather products.

6.  (a) Explain trends in export of major products from India to EU markets.

(b) Explain how EU is the most important market for India.

7.  (a) Describe the composition of India's exports  to West Asian countries.

(b) Describe in brief the economic structure of United Arab Emirates and its trade with India.

8.  Write short notes on any two of the following :

(a)  Prospects of Capital Account Convertibility in India.

(b)  Issues in International Trade in Services as a part of GATS.

(c)  Benefits and Facilities to Units in SEZ in India.

(d)  Regionalism V/s Multilateralism issue in World Trade. 

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IB0-03 June, 2013 India's Foreign Trade


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