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Ms-6 Question bank

Ms-6 Question bank (11)

Ms-6 Question bank

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:31

Ms-6 Dec 2007

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MS-6   Dec, 2007

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1. What is consumer behaviour ? Explain briefly the various factors influencing consumer behaviour taking example of any consumer durable of your choice.

2. (a) Distinguish between Market Segmentation and Product Differentiation.

     b) Describe the bases that you will 'use in segmenting the market for the following products :

(il Hair dryer

(ii) Low calorie sweetene

3. What are the objectives of Sales Promotion ? As a Sales Manager, you have been assigned the task of planning the Sales Promotion program of a ready-to-cook meal. Discuss the steps that you would follow for effective planning and management of the said program.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Marketing Research as a tool for decision making

(b) Functional Organisation

(c) Functions of Packaging

(d) Stages in new product development

(e) Product Life Cycle

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:28

Ms-6 Dec 2008

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MS-6   Dec, 2008

MS-6 : Marketing for managers

1.(a) Discuss the reasons for growth of the service sector, giving suitable examples.

(b) Explain the concept of Product LiIe Cycle (PLC). Taking example of any consumer product, discuss how the marketing mix strategy would vary during different stages of the PLC.

2. (a) What are the benefits of market segmentation ? What segmentation bases would you choose for segmenting the market for cosmetics ?

     b)   Discuss the broad areas of application of marketing research.

3. (a) Taking the example of a consumer durable like T.V. or refrigerator, explain the stages in the buyer decision process. Would the stages be the same in case the product in question is a soft drink ?

     (b) Explain the steps involved in the selling process.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Pricing methods

(b) Alternative channels of distribution

(c) Limitations of cyber marketing

(d) Factors influencing consumer behaviour

(e) 'Product Line' and 'Product Mix

5. (a) According to Management Guru Peter Drucker, "There will always, one can assume, be need for some selling. But the aim of marketing is to make selling superfluous. The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well

that the product or service fits him and sells itself . Ideally, marketing should result in a customer who is ready to buy. All that should be needed then is to make the product or service available."

Even if Drucker is right in claiming that the aim of marketing is to make selling

superfluous, what are the practical problems associated with 'knowing and understanding' the customer so well that the product or service sells itself ?

(b) What are the objectives of sales promotion ? Suggest some sales promotion schemes for increasing the sales of the following :

(i) Bath Soap

(ii) Instant Coffee

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:26

Ms-6 Dec 2009

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MS-6   Dec, 2009

MS-6 : Marketing for managers


1.(a) Explain the term Marketing and distinguish it from "Selling".

(b) Identify the elements of Marketing Mix for Services. Explain the same taking the

example of a service industry of your choice.

2.(a) Explain briefly the considerations involved in designing a marketing organisation.

(b) Explain the relevance of marketing research for a FMCG Company marketing product like soaps, detergents etc.

3. (a) Taking the example of any consumer durable product of your choice, explain the stages in the buyer decision process.

(b) What is new product development strategy ? As a product manager, discuss the various steps that you would consider in the development process of a new product.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Approaches to sales forecasting

b) Merchant middlemen

(c) Classification of Consumer Product

d) Reference group

e) Limitations of Cyber Marketing

5. Mr. 'X' has developed a new product which will help people to get rid of the habit of smoking. The product is made of some herbs and has no side effect. Mr 'X' is now in the process of giving a suitable name for this Unique Product and subsequently wishes to market it in Western India. Assuming that you have been hired as a consultant, suggest suitable answer for the following questions :

Questions :

a) Suggest an appropriate name for the product and justify your choice.

b)Explain the SIP strategy for the above product.

(c) How would you go about in creating awareness and educating the target audience for the product ?

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