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Ms-7 Question bank

Ms-7 Question bank (11)

Ms-7 Question bank

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:01

Ms-7 june 2009

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MS-7   june, 2009


1. (a) What is Network Topology ? Briefly describe different types of Network Topologies.

(b) Distinguish between Internet and Intranet.

2. (a) Define MIS. \Mhat are the determinants of MIS design according to Zaru ?

(b) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an information svstem ?

3. (a) What is computerised maintenance management ? Explain the conceptual model through which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained basis.

(b) Briefly describe the different generations of E-business.

4(a) How Information systems can contribute for total quality management ?

(b) What are the three major areas of feasibility which are addressed in system analysis ?

5(a) What makes java an almost perfect Web programming language? What are its disadvantages?

(b) Explain the meaning of the terms database, database management system and database administrative in Your own words.

6. (a) What do you mean by "business intelligence" ? What is an OLAP Engine?

b) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT ? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:00

Ms-7 june 2010

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MS-7   june, 2010



1(a) What are operating systems ? Describe the functions of operating system.

(b) Describe the Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model). Briefly

discuss its seven layers.

2(a) Explain the modified Leavitt's model of an organisation as a socio - technical


(b) Discuss the role of MIS at various management levels. Make a comparative table

to substantiate your claim.

3(a) Describe how IT facilitates recruiting, training and personnel development.

(b) Define "Integrated software applications". How these applications have

transformed the way business is done ?

4(a) Is outsourcing information systems a better proposition in most of the situations ? Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing.

(b) Discuss the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis ?

5. (a) What is metadata ? Describe the types of metadata and some uses of metadata for IT professionals.

(b) Define Artificial Intelligence (AI). Give some examples of application of AI in business.

6. Write short notes on any four of the following :

a) Open Source Software

b) Stealth and Polymorphic Viruses

(c) MRP II

d) Information Systems and TQM

e) Genetic Algorithms

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:56

Ms-7 june 2011

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MS-7   june, 2011



1. (a) What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system ? What are the

major components of such a system ? How does it help the decision making process ?

(b) What are the various types of networks ? Write a detailed note on the advantages

of networks.

2. (a) What is the need of information in present day society ? Why is it necessary to have a structure in an organization ?

(b) Compare and contrast programmed decision - making information system and decision assisting information system.

3. (a) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software are important for economy of data processing and administrative efficiency ?

(b) What are integrated software applications ? Write a detailed note on their advantages and business utility.

4. (a) What are data models ? How you would classify the data models ? Differentiate between various data models with the help of an example.

(b) Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse ? What is a metadata repository and how is it used by the query manager component of a data warehouse ?

5. (a) What is outsourcing information system ? Write detail note on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing .

(b) "With so many ready made and customised software available. The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them". Do you agree ? Justify.

6. (a) What are expert systems ? Mention the working principles of expert systems. Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert system.

(b) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence ? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched - based applications ?

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