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Ms-11 Question bank

Ms-11 Question bank (11)

Ms-11 Question bank

MS-11   Dec, 2007


1. Identify an organization of your choice. Explain how technological and economic forces can present opportunity as well as a threat to the organization..

2. Diflerentiate between a business level strategy and corporate level strategy. Illustrate your answer with the help of an example and its relevance in the present context.

3. Explain the various steps involved in the Merger and Acquisition deals. Give suitable examples.

4. Explain the methods and techniques used in strategic control systems. Support your answer with examples.

5. a) What are the major factors, which are necessary to match the structure of the organization with the needs of the strategy ?

b) Why is it necessary for the top management in a business organization to match the structure to the strategy ?

6. Assume that you and your friend are investors and wish to start a restaurant in the same city. You wish to cater to family food needs, whereas your friend wishes to cater to the needs of people who specialized foods like continental, with nice surroundings. It is clear that both the businesses will need different functional strategies. How would you suggest the planning and implementation of functional strategy for each restaurant ?

7. Assume. that you wish to open a bookstore close to your campus. You have already conducted the market research to assess the need for a bookstore. Assume that you belleve that any of the two generic strategies could be' successful for the bookstore : niche low-cost strategy and niche-differentiation strategy. Answer the following for both the strategies separately.

(a) What type of physical store should you create ?

(b) What kind of books would you have as the inventory of the bookstore ?

(c) What kind of in-store services would you provide to customers ?

MS-11   Dec, 2008



1.a) Strategy making requires personwith vision, while strategy implementation requires a person with administrative ability. Critically comment on the statement with respect to implementation of strategy.

(b) Explain the importance of evaluation and control in strategy making process.

2. Explain Critical Success Factors (CSF) and value chain framework as a guide to analyse a firm's strengths and weaknesses.

3.Focus is different from other business strategies'. Explain, how Focus Strategy is different from other business strategies giving examples.

4. Discuss the important issues involved in turnaround strategy. Support your answer with example.

5. a)   What do you understand by Strategic Control Process ?

(b) Briefly explain different methods of control.

6. Think of an organization, which is using a corporate growth strategy :

(i) Analyze as to how the organization's strategy has influenced its structure.

(ii) Looking at the present trends, is its current structure the optimal structure for this enterprise ? Discuss.

7. Select a company, which is well-known in the automobile sector. From your

understanding of the PESTLE framework, identify different opportunities and threats

for the following:

- political

- legal

- economical

-technological and

- social forces

MS-11   Dec, 2009



1. Briefly discuss two important changes in the Indian Business Environment in each of the following areas giving examples.


-   Social



2. Explain the different levels of strategy. Discuss the importance of strategy for an organisation.

3. What are Mergers and Acquisitions as a part of diversification strategy ? Discuss the different forms of Mergers with suitable examples. Give five reasons of Merger and Acquisition Strategy

4. Critically discuss the perspectives on strategy and structure with respect to :

a) Porter's Perspective

b) Peter and Waterman's Perspective

5. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Leadership styles

b) Diversification

c) Experience curve

d) Mckinsey's 7s framework

6. Read the analyse the case and answer the questions given at the end.

The mobile phone industry

Competitive rivalry

By 2004 the competitive rivalry between network operators was becoming intense in most countries. In the UK numerous different packages were on offer. Initially if a customer threatened to withdraw, operators would offer a new free phone and several free months of line rental as an enticement to stay. However, as markets matured, emphasis was placed on price, coverage, general customer service and the offering of new products and services (with the advent of 3G technology).

Buying power

Buying power of consumers was high as they had so much choice. The danger for providers was confusing potential customers with over-complex offers. Independent retailers (e.g. in the UK Carphone Warehouse) competed with those owned by network operators (e.g. Vodafone). Others offered cheaper deals through newspaper adverts and the internet.

Power of suppliers

Equipment manufacturers competed for market share. Prior to 3G launch the big manufacturers-

Nokia, Motorola and Ericsson - had concerns about market saturation. Supplier power was increasing as their sector consolidated through alliances (such as 'Casio and Hitachi in 2003). Network operators could be held back by supply difficulties as with the Hutchison (3-UK) launch of 3G services in 2003/4.

Threat of substitutes

In the 1990s the main threat of substitution was 'technological regression' where customers returned to fixed-line telephony because of high mobile call charges. By 2000 price decreases and the 'need' for everyone to have a mobile phone reduced this threat. By 2004 the greatest threat was the convergence of mobile telephony with PDAs (Personal Digital Assistants) and with the internet (e.g. MSN Messenger). This could switch both voice and text messaging onto the internet -avoiding mobile phone operator networks.

Location technology in mobile phones (making the caller easy to find) might encourage this 'drift'.

Threat of entry

The threat of entrants was low because of the enormous cost in both licences (-E22bn (€33bn) in the UK alone) and in the general investment needed to be a player in new 3G (broadband) technology.. Power was a function of who was ahead of the game in 3G and had the licences to operate a service. There was only a threat of entrants if public policy towards this heavy regulation of the sector changed in future.

Questions :

Viewing this industry through the eyes of a network operator (such as Vodaphone).

1. Which would you regard as the three most important threats to your business ?

2. How could you respond to each of these to lessen their impact ?

3. Answer questions 1 and 2 for an equipment manufacturer - such as Nokia.

4. What are the main benefits and limitations of five forces analysis ?

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