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Ignou Question Bank

Ignou Question Bank (429)

Ignou Question Bank from previous year papers

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Ms-422 Question Bank

Ms-422 Question Bank (6)

Ms-422 Question Bank, Bank financial Management

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Ms-423 Question  Bank

Ms-423 Question Bank (6)

Ms-423 Question Banks,  Marketing Of Financial Services 

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Ms-424 Question Bank

Ms-424 Question Bank (5)

Ms424 Question Bank,  International Banking Management 

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Ms-425 Question Bank

Ms-425 Question Bank (6)

Ms-425 Question Bank:, Electronic Banking And It In Banks 

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Ms-494 Question Bank

Ms-494 Question Bank (2)

Ms-494 Question Bank,  Risk Management In Banks 

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Ms-495, Question Bank

Ms-495, Question Bank (2)

Ms-495, Question Bank,  Ethics And Corporate Governance In Banks 

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Ms-611 Question Bank

Ms-611 Question Bank (0)

Ms-611 Question Bank Rural Marketing 

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Ms- 612 Question Bank

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Ms- 612 Queston Bank, Retail Management 

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IB0-01 Question Bank

IB0-01 Question Bank (2)

IB0-01 Question Banks,  International Business Environment 

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IBO-02 Question Banks

IBO-02 Question Banks (3)

IBO-02 Question Banks International Marketing Management 

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IB0-03 Question Banks

IB0-03 Question Banks (3)

IB0-03 : India's Foreign Trade 

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IB0-04 Question Bank

IB0-04 Question Bank (3)

IB0-04 Quesiton Bank,  Export - Import Procedures And Documentation 

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IBO-05 Question Banks

IBO-05 Question Banks (3)

IBO-05 , Question Bank,  International Marketing Logistics 

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IBO-06 Question Bank

IBO-06 Question Bank (3)

IBO-06 Question bank,  International Business Finance 

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MCO-01 Question Bank

MCO-01 Question Bank (2)

MCO-01 Questoin Bank, Organisation Theory And Behaviour 

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MC0-03 Question Bank

MC0-03 Question Bank (2)

MC0-03 Question Bank,  Research Methodology And Statistical Analysis 

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MCO-04 Question Bank

MCO-04 Question Bank (2)

MCO-04 Question Bank,  Business Environment 

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MC0-06 Question Bank

MC0-06 Question Bank (2)

MC0-06 Question Bank,  Marketing Management 

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MC0-07 Question Bank

MC0-07 Question Bank (2)

MC0-07 Question Bank,  Financial Management 

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MCO-05 Question Bank

MCO-05 Question Bank (1)

MCO-05 Question Bank,  Accounting For Managerial Decisions 

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Saturday, 17 November 2012 10:36

Ms-22 dec 2011

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MS-22    Dec, 2011


1. What are the important guidelines for  implementing Organisational Development ?  Discuss the process of Internal self Renewal  Facilitator in an organisation.

2. Define Compensation System. Discuss in brief the  characteristics which should be rewarded, and  explain why ? Cite examples.

3. How do you see the roles of chief knowledge  managers and chief learning managers different  from that of traditional Head (HRD) at national  and international levels ? Discuss critically with  suitable example.

4. Define and describe globalisation and global  corporations. What makes globalisation work ?  Explain with example ?

5. Write short notes on  any three  of the following :

(a) Value anchored HRD Processes

(b) Need for Campetency mapping

(c) Reorganisation of work

(d) HRD in voluntary organisations.

6.  Read the following case carefully and answer  the questions given at the end.

The eleven workers whose annual  increments were stopped made a representation  to the management of XYZ Limited that the  action taken was not justified and that they  wanted to know what was their fault. The  management which acted upon the  recommendation of the department head  concerned, Mr. Rog, felt guilty because such an  action was taken for the first time in the history  of the company.  XYZ Limited was a large paper  manufacturing company in South India. The  major departments of the factory were:

1. Chemical processing : The raw material was  mixed with certain chemicals for making  pulp.

2. Pulp department : Pulp was mixed with  other ingredients according to specifications  for each order of paper.

3. Paper machine department : This was the  heart of the factory where processed pulp  was fed into the paper machines. Act first,  a wet weak paper was formed which was  subsequently dried and rolled.

4. Finishing department  :  The paper rolls were  then moved to the processing department  where the required coating was given.

5. Grading,  winding and packing  departments.

6. Quality control department.  Twenty eight workers worked in the  paper machine department in four  groups-each group attending one machine.  The nature of the work on each machine  was such that all the seven workers had to

work in cooperation. Because no individual  tasks could be specified, the group was

made responsible for the work turned out  by them. All the workers working in the  paper machine department had been with  the company for over ten years.  The company did not have any  incentive wage system for any class of its  employees. They were all given straight  salaries with normal annual increments.  The annual increments were sanctioned

each year in a routine way. It was the policy  of the company that the increments should

not be stopped unless the department head concerned recommended such an action.

Mr. Rog was placed in charge of the  paper machine department a year ago.  Though Mr. Rog was a newcomer in the concerned recommended such an action.  Mr. Rog was placed in charge of the  paper machine department a year ago.  Though Mr. Rog was a newcomer in the  organisation, he proved himself to be a very  competent man. The management noted  that he was very aggressive and enthusiastic  and that he know his job well. At the end  of the year when increments were due to  be sanctioned, he recommended to the  management that the increments due to  eleven men in his department should be  stopped, for, in his opinion they were lazy  and inefficient. The eleven men concerned  belonged to all the four groups operating in  the department.

The management, though puzzled  about the action recommended by Mr. Rog,  acted upon it and stopped the increments  due to the eleven men concerned. The  management were aware that such an  action was the first of its kind in the history  of the company. Most of the employees were  with the company for a fairly long period  and there was never an instance of strained  relations between the management and the  employees.

Soon after the action was taken, the  eleven employees concerned made a  representation to the management  requesting them to let them know what was  wrong with their work as to warrant  stopping of their increments.  The management were in a fix because they did  not have specific reasons to give except

Mr. Rog's report in which he simply  mentioned that the eleven men concerned  were "lazy and inefficient."  The management were naturally  concerned about the representation and  therefore, they tried to ascertain from  Mr. Rog the detailed circumstances under  which he recommended the stoppage of  increments. When Mr. Rog could not  pin-point the reasons, the management  suspected that Mr. Rog's recommendation  was based on his "impressions" rather than  on facts. They, therefore, advised Mr. Rog  to maintain a register from then on nothing  the details of day to day incidents of  "lazy and inefficient" workers and obtain  the signatures of the workers concerned.

Mr. Rog was to make the final appraisal of  each worker in his department on the basis  of this register and recommend each case  giving specific reasons why increments  should be stopped.  Mr. Rog started maintaining a register  as suggested by the management; but he  found it difficult to report satisfactorily any  case of laziness of inefficiency for want of  specific reasons.

     The management were convinced that  their action of stopping increments of eleven  men on the strength of Mr. Rog's report was  not a proper one. They realised that no  similar action in future would be taken  based on inadequate information. But, they  were wondering whether the suggestion  made to Mr. Rog was the proper course of  action to prevent occurrence of similar  situations.

Questions :

(a) Identify and discuss the core issue in  the case.

(b) Was management of the company  justified in implementing the  recommendations of Mr. Rog, in the  absence of proper report ?

(e)  How would you view the action of  Mr. Rog, if you were the M.D. of the  company ?

MS-21    June, 2007



1. Describe  different  sources of  power  and  discuss its dynamics  in  an organisatioh,  with relevant  examples.

2.  What  is  motivation  ?  Discuss  the  Maslow's  and McClelland's  theories  of  motivation  and their  relevance  in the  present  day  context.

3. Discuss  the importance  of counselling  in  organisations  and discuss the  ethical  issues involved  in  counselling in organisations.

4-  Describe  various  roles  in  group process  and discuss  how group effectiveness  can  be increased.

5-  write  short  notes  on any three  of the following  :

(i)  Cross-culture  differences

(ii)  Role  of leader  in Team-Building

(iii)  Halo  effect  and  Stereotyping

(iv)  Barriers  to  communication

(v)  Process  of conflict


6-  Read  the following  case  carefully  and  answer  the questions given  at the end.

Anju  and  Ria  are  two  sisters  and the  daughters  of Mr.  o.P.  Sharma  and Shama  Sharma.  Mr.  Sharma  is a well  known  advocate  practising  in  Surat (Gujarat  State), while  shama  sharma  is  a  housewife.  Right  from childhood,  the two  sisters  had shown  different  personality traits.  Anju was  an introvert,  quiet,  did not  express  much

and  was  always  involved  in  doing  her  own  things.  By contrast Ria  was a  typical  extrovert  always  speaking her mind, bubbling  with enthusiasm,  sociable.  Though  Ria

was usually  the  centre  of  attraction  at  social  events  and gatherings,  Mr.  and Mrs. Sharma   never  differentiated  or favoured  any one child.  Mr. Sharma  was  very busy  in  his professional  life  and  so  management  of  the  house and family  was totally  Mrs. Sharma's  priority/concern. Mrs. Sharma  was  very clear  in  her belief  that  if  one wants  anything,  nothing  is  impossible  and  also nothing  can  come  in  the  way  of  achieving  that something.  Mrs. Sharma  was responsible  in  shaping  her childrens'  aspirations.  She  always  encouraged  her daughters  to  pursue  their  dreams  by  overcoming obstacles.  Anju completed  her M.Sc.  in Microbiology  and left  for  the  U.S.,  to  study  as a  research  scholar  in  her area  of  specialisation.  Ria  after  graduation,  did  her  M.B.A.  from  one  of  the  premier  institutes  and through campus recruitment  was  placed in  an  MNC  'TCOLEE LTD.'  This company  also  had  a competitive  culture  which suited Ria's  personality.  Her  former  colleagues  used to say  "Ria  was  unafraid  to  speak  her mind and always  had an  inner  drive  to  seek  greater  responsibilities  and promotions."  Recognising her  talent,  the  company promoted  her as  a team  facilitator,  within one and a half years,  and  sent her  to  their  Singap  ore branch, where 150 persons  were  employed.  Within a few  months  in  her new  position, Ria  realised  that  her  immediate  superior Rajesh's  personality  was very different from  that  of  her former  boss. Rajesh  believed  that  situations  determined behaviour  and  in  case  of  situational  requirement  would hire  persons  at  random and then  structure  the  situation accordingly.  As a result,  Ria noticed  that members  of  her team  were  finding  it  difficult  to  work  together.  She realised  that it  was  a classic  case  of  personality  conflict  as they (team  members)  didn't like  each  other and this could prove to  be disruptive

Ria called  the  team members  and gave  them  a  time frame  within which  they  had  to  work things  out. she was very  firm  when she  spoke  to  the team  members.  "l  have communicated  to  you  all  about  the  problems  your behaviour  is  causing,  but I  hope  you realise  that  the work has to  be  completed  in  the  required  time  irrespective  of how  you  get along."  But  even alter  another  six months,

    Ria  realised that  the  team  was  still  not  working  well together, the  productivity  was inadequate  and the  morale was  also  low.  Ria  thought  "l  know  I  have  to  do

something  because  it  is  affecting  their work.  "  After  a  lot of  introspection,  Ria decides  that  the  best  way of  solving the  problem  was  by  simply  dissolving  the  team  and placing  its  members elsewh  ere  rather  than  trying  to determine  who was right or  wrong.


(a)  What  could  be  the  key  determinants involved  in shaping  Ria's  personality  ?

(b)  There  is  a  popular  saying  'When  the  going  gets tough,  the tough  get going'.  In  Ria's  case,  what  are the  implications  of  the  goal  orientation exhibited, and why ?

(c)  If  you  are  asked  to  select  candidates  for  developing  a team at Ria's office,  what traits  will you look  out for in  prospective  employees  ? Why ?

MS-21    June, 2008


1. Review  and  describe  Herzberg's  work  motivation  theory and discuss  its relevance  for  organizational  processes.

2.  Describe  the  importance  of  counselling  process  in organisations  and  discuss  the  ethical  issues  involved  in counselling.  Discuss  how  an organization  can handle them.

3. Identify  and  deliberate on  group  processes.  Discuss the measures  ons  could adapt  to  improve  group  productivity.

4. Describe  different types of  organisational  culture and  their significance  in  the  Indian  context.

5. Write short notes on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Interpersonal  Perception

(b)  Importance of  persuasion

(c)  Sociometry

(d)  Leadership  effectiveness

(e)  Barriers to  communication


6. Read the  following  case  carefully  and answer the  questions given at  the  end  :

Hari  Iyer;  the  Vice  President (Marketing) of  Victor Computer  Systems  Ltd.,  was immersed  in  thoughts, about the  happenings,  taking  him  few  years  (1999)  down  the

memory  lane.  This  was  when  George  (the  Marketing Manager)  had  proudly  walked  down  the  aisle  to  shake hands  with  the  founder and chairman  Victor  at the  latter's residence in  England  and  all  the  company's  employees and  special  invitees  standing  and  cheering  him.  There were  another  49  employees along with  George, to  have dinner with  the  founder chairman at his home  in  England. This  dinner  was  a  part  of  the  'Quality  performance  circle programme'  in  which  the  chairman rewards  quality  top performers,  who  are  exceeding their  quarterly  targets  by more  than  15  per  cent  for  the  entire  year.  All  winners were  given  a  cash award, a  certificate  and  also had  their pictures  taken  with  the  chairman  and  printed  and published  in  the  company's inhouse magazine.

Victor  Computer  Systems  Ltd.  is  a  20  year  old  global company,  having  set  up  base in  I99I  and  has  a  sound product  range  of  computer  peripherals.  Right  from  the beginning,  the  company  has  been  able  to  build  up  a goodwill  for  its  quality products. Very  soon,  it  was  selling its  products at  a  higher  price  in  the  market.  George had   joined  the  company  in  1997  and  his  immediate  boss Gaurav  Patei  was  thoroughly  satisfied  with  him  an,C  also liked  him.  Because  of  his  excellent  track  record  and performance,  George was  not  only  liked  by  his  superior but  also enjoyed many  company  benefits.

George had earned  the  reputation  of  a go-getter,  who enjoyed  working  on  challenging  customers  (or  clients) though  he  doesn't believe  in  wasting much time  on  trying to  please very  hard  to  please customers. He  was  very focussed on  the  targets  set  for  the  month  for  all  his teams.  He  tries  to  instill  in  his  teams  (executives  and managers)  the  idea  of  always  being ahead in  the  race  of hard  core  selling and  also put  it  into  practice  by  working hard himself. He  was also  very smart at  closing  sales  with institutional  buyers  thereby bring in  a  lot  of  sales  in  terms of  volume  for  the  firm.  Seeing  George's  potential, Gaurav  always tried  to  provide  enough  scope  to  explore the  potential of  bis  customers  on  his  own. Inspite  of  all  this,  Gaurav was  a  little  worried  about George's  attitude  towards  those  Area  and  Regional Managers  who  made  efforts  to  sell  to  small  customers. Even  though  he  had  heard  rumours  about  George's belittling attitude towards  few  of  such Regional Managers, he  had  ignored  them  because  of  George's performance.

    However, from  2000  onwards,  the  recession  world over  was  having  its  impact  on the  Indian  IT  industry.  This slack  also  affected  Victor Computer  Systems  in  business with a  noticeable  dip in  corporate  customers  demand  for its  products.  The  company  also  had  redesigned  its marketing  strategies  and  reallocated  its  targets  to  its marketing  teams.  But keeping  in mind  George's  obsession for  big  customers  and  a  person  of  strong  likes  and dislikes,  Gaurav  thought  it  right to  bring up  this  matter with the Vice President,  Hari lyer.  After hearing  Gaurav, Hari  was  in  a  dilemma  because  he  knew  people  like George  were  always in  demand  and  chased by  head hunters.

Questions  :

(a)  Which  aspects  of  goal  setting model  have  gone wrong  in  George's  case  ?

(b)  What strategy  should  be  adopted  by Gaurav  and  Hari to  motivate  George  ?

(c)  Suggest  how  you  would  chann  elize  the  social processes  to  avoid  attitude  problems.

MS-21    June, 2009


1. Describe  any two  models of  group  development and  discuss  how  group  effectiveness  could be improved.

2. What  is Perception  ?  Discuss the  implications  of Perception  in organis ational  functioning.  Illustrate with  examples.

3. Describe  the  importance  of  Behaviour Modification  in  organizations  and briefly  discuss the  importance  of  ethics  in  behaviour modification.

4. How  are  organisations  also  political entities  ?  Discuss  how  political  behaviour  is inevitable  in  organisations ?  Illustrate  with examples.

5. Write  short notes  on any three  of the following  :

(a)  Emotional intelligence.

(b)  Work  ethics.

©  Importance  of  counselling.

(d)  Corporate culture.

       e)  Role of  Punishment in  learning.

MS-21    June, 2010


1. Describe power dynamics in an organisation and explain how power can be used ethically ? Cite examples.

2. Discuss the process and management of ethical counselling in organisation set ups. Illustrate with a suitable example.

3. Describe any one approach to conflict process and discuss various conflict Management styles and their relevance citing suitable examples.

4. What is perception and discuss the common errors in perception and how it can be overcome with reference to organisational processes ?

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Porter and Lawler's Model of Motivation

b) Corporate Governance

c) Emotional intelligence

d) Formal communication channels

(e) Groups vs Teams


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Mr. Venkat Raman joined Southern Fertilizers Manufacturing Company in January

1987 as a Junior Operator Trainee. Within the non-executive category, the company had five levels from P1 (the lowest grade) to P5 (the highest grade). Raman joined at P2 level. After training, he was absorbed in the Ammonium Sulphate Shop as a Junior Operator. He rose up to the level of P4 in December 1991 because of his sincere and hard work. All through these years, he kept away from union activities. He never refused or avoided any job. Very often his officers used to ask him to do additional jobs which he did willingly.

Gradually Raman became a handy man for all sundry assignments which others might have refused. Since February 1992, Raman was regularly asked to perform certain duties which were actually to be done by a P5 level operator as the post in the higher grade was vacant. However, as per the company's rules, Raman was not eligible for promotion to the higher grade at that time.

Gradually, Raman started performing all the duties attached to the higher post. About this

time, Raman started taking interest in union activities. On August 8, 1993 Raman was instructed by his superior to stop one agitator pump and start another one. He was also asked to normalise the operation of the sulphate drier. Later his boss alleged that he did not attend to these jobs and neglected his normal inspection duty as a result of which tar got settled in a tank which was to remain free of tar. On August 12, Raman was instructed to attend to the breakdown of discharge feeder chain and conveyor. Later his superior alleged that he did not do this job. On both these days, Raman did not fill the

section's log book which was a part of his normal duty. On August 25, a show-cause notice was served on Raman demanding explanation within 48 hours as to why disciplinary action should not be taken against him. He replied on August 29, denying the allegations and stating that the management had fabricated the charges. As per the company's rules, he was charge-sheeted on October 18, for (a) neglect of duty, and (b) willful insubordination and disobedience of the lawful and reasonable orders of his superiors. Raman replied on October 25, denying all the charges and requesting the management to withdraw the charges immediately. Thereafter, an Enquiry Committee consisting of an officer from the Ammonium Nitrate Department and an officer from the Personnel Department was set up to look into the charges. Raman was given an opportunity to produce evidence on his behalf and defend himself. The committee held 20 sittings and throughout the proceedings, Raman denied the allegations levelled against him and asserted that his boss was prejudiced against him because of his union activities.

In April 1995, the enquiry committee brought out the following points in its findings.

A)    There was a provision in the company for paying acting allowance to those operators who acted in the higher grade temporarily for more than three months. It appeared that Raman had been demanding the acting allowance, but due to some procedural problems, he was not paid.

B)    It could not be proved beyond doubt that the instructions were given to him and that he did not abide by the instructions given to him on August 8, 1993. On August 8, 1993,

C)    Raman deliberately neglected his normal inspection duty resulting in the deposit of tar in the tank. The loss to the company was, however, insignificant.

D)    Raman did not attend to the breakdown on August 12, 1993 as instructed by his boss.

E)  Raman did not fill the section's log book  on August 8 and 12, 1993 as was expected of him.

Questions :

i) Critically explain the change in Raman's behaviour.

ii) What would you have done if you were his immediate boss ?

iii) Do you feel that recurrence of such cases can be avoided by improving the motivational climate of the organisation ?

iv) What steps would you initiate as Chief Executive of the company ?

MS-21    June, 2011


1.  Briefly discuss the role of Manager with reference  to paradigm shift in the present day business  context.

2.  What is perception ? Discuss the role of perception  in organisations. How can errors in perception  be overcome ? Justify your answer with suitable  examples.

3.  Describe the importance of Behaviour  Modification in organisations. Briefly discuss the  role of ethics in Behaviour Modification.

4. What are the various sources of conflict ? Explain  any two Conflict Management styles and their  relevance in an organizational set up.

5.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Learning Organisations

(b)  Barriers to Communication

(c)  McClelland's Achievement Motivation  Theory.

(d)  Work Ethics

(e)  Groups vs Teams


6.  Read the following case carefully and answer the  questions given at the end :

The lyer group of Hotels, Chief Manager  Ashish (Bangalore Branch) was facing a unique  problem. Inspite of being recognised as  'A Chain  of Hotels which can he trusted for its excellent service  delivery'.  One of the main problems faced by its  Bangalore branch was a high turnover of its  housekeeping staff, since the past one year, which

led to its existing clientele's dissatisfaction. Two  to three of the hotel's esteemed existing customers  had made it a point to make a note of this in the  customers suggestion book. Ashish realised that  it was imperative to reduce if not stop the housing  staff turnover as this apart from causing customer  dissatisfaction was adversely affecting the hotel's  overall performance.  Ashish had a meeting with the  housekeeping managers and the housekeeping  executives and it was decided that a new  reinforcement system would be effective from the  following month when the housekeeping staff  would get an additional bonus of Rs. 500/- every  month, provided the employee had 100 percent  attendance and a performance rating of above 90  per cent. Over and above, the first ten of best  housekeeping as identified by the housekeeping  manager, would be allowed to undergo training at the hotel's in- house centre of learning and  development. Ashish had thought the above  reinforcement system would be more effective  since it would take care of the otherwise incurring  costs involved in hiring new housing staff - the  price to be paid for losing experienced housing  personnel.

The housekeeping tasks were separated into  vacuum cleaning, dusting, changing sheets,

changing water and flowers in the room etc. The  managers (or supervisors) were asked to observe  the housekeeping staff's behaviour while they  performed their tasks and then forward the names  of the best performers for the training programme.  At the end of six months Ashish was  surprised to see that the housing staff turnover  remained the same at 40 per cent. A meeting with  the housekeeping managers did not get anywhere  because the reasons cited by them (those leaving  the firm) were mentioned as 'personal reasons'.

One day when Ashish was on his way to  greet a good old customer of the hotel, overheard  a (chanced) conversation between two  housekeeping staff Sagar and Vinay.

Sagar - "Our HM (House Manager) Maya  madam had promised me that if my performance  improves she would recommend my name for the  training programme, but this time once again she  has recommended the name of Trivedi - another  sloppy worker".

Vinay - "Biswas Sir, my HM has said that  he is happy with my cent per cent attendance and  92% (on an average) performance rating since the  last three months, but he says that the bonus  although promised monthly, will be paid as a  single consolidated amount every six months, due  to the accounting problems."

Questions for Discussion

(a)  Was the contingency of positive  reinforcement suggested by Ashish proper  in the above context ?

(b)  How do you feel the schedule of  reinforcement can be modified to improve  employee performance ?

(c)  What reinforcement should be provided for  changing the behaviour of the housekeeping  managers in the above case ?


MS-21    Dec, 2007


1.  Identify  the  reasons  for  growing importance of  values  in  an organisation.  Discuss  impact  of  Globalisation  on  value systems  in  the  organisations.


2.  Describe  Herzberg's Motivation  and  their context. and  McClelland's  theories  of relevance  in  today's  organisational

3. Discuss  the  importance  of  Behaviour  Modification  in organisations  and describe  the  format  which  is  required  for industrial  behaviour modification.

4.  What  is  the  contribution of  team  roles as an  approach  to work  ?  Are  they  better than  individual  approach  ? Justify.

5.  Write  short  not€s  on  any  three  of  the  following  :

(a)  Communication  networks

(b)  Dynamics of  power

(c)  Perceptual  errors

(d)  Knowledge  management

(e)  Emotional  intelligence


6.  Read the  following  case  carefully  and answer the  questions given  at  the  end  :

For  over  a  year  now,  Sandeep,  the  CEO  of consulting  firm  Market  Movers  (MM)  had  been  trying  to inculcate  a  deep  involvement  with  the  customer  as  a  way. of  life  at  MM.  But  no  matter  what,  their  involvement seemed  to  only  skim  the  surface. of  course,  the  teams worked  very. diligently, but  sandeep  always felt that  there Are something  missing in  their  approach.  He  had  tried many  models  and  methods;  but  after a  grand  start  full  of enthusiasm  and  effectiveness,  somehow  the  momentum would  be  lost.

  The  incidents  kept  coming  to  his mind  as if  to  remind him  to  find  the  elusive  'something'.  what  had  triggered his  thinking  today  was  an  angry  exchange  between  him and  Vinay  Chabra  the  previous  evening  over  what Sandeep  felt  was  inability  to  look  beyond  the  nose. Keya  Sircar,  his  associate director,  had  been  surprised over  what  she  called'loss  of  decorum'.  "A  little  loss of decorum  is  good,"  Sandeep had  said later.  "lt  allows you to  go  beyond  the  ordinary.  And  I  don't  want  the ordinary  !  we  are  working  with  minds  and  the  mind  is such  that  it  can  create  just

as well  as  it  can  destroy  as  it can  go  into  a  state  of  inactivity.  But  because the  mind controls  when  you  are  not  in  control.  I  admonish  to demand  commitment  to  their  innate  creativity.  it's a reminder  of  what  they  truly  are  passionate people  who

must  control  the  mind's  meanderings from  the  focus." Sandeep  was  aware  of  the  potential  creativity  of  his team.  I3ut  what  nullified  his  efforts  was  the  gap  between

ideas  and  execution.  When  they  brainstormed,  bright ideas  emerged.  But  after  this,  there  was  a  virtual paralysis :  the  ideas  did  not  lead to  performance.  Rather, the  passion  in  the  performance  did  not  match  the  passion in  the  ideas,  so  was  there  a  breach  opening  up  between lnspiration  and  motivation  ?  At  MM,  there  was  no performance  bonus.  Sandeep's view  was  :  "Perform  we will;  that's  what  we  are  here  for.  If  I  give you  rewards  for performing,  you  will  only  perform.  But  we  will  reward creative  observation." Sandeep  did  not  believe  in  motivation'  It  led  to performaocg  doing  an  act  which  had  to  be  done  -but  not  to  creativity.  This  then  was  the  substance of  his appeal  for  passion. Motivation  presunred  the  existence of knowledge  that  had  to  be  turned  into  action,  execution and  application.  So  he  sai'd  :  "knowledge  +  motivation  : activity  or  event".  But  the  event  itself  was  a  tried  and tested  one.  Therefore,  motivation  was  only  a  means  to deliver  the  desired  results.  But  the  business they  were  in could  not  operate  from  known  past  outcomes  any  more. Today's  businesses  demanded  all-new,  outstanding outcomes.  That  originality  and  uniqueness was  possible only  if  there  was  passion  to  go  beyond  known 'knowledge'  and  trained  abilities.  What  he  called passion for  creativity,  ngt  mere  productivity.  "Anyone  can produce based  on  another's template  and  ideas.  But  to  be the  template  generator,  that's  originality." Keya  said  ,  ''This,  radical approach  is  not  conducive for  our  kind  of  timeframes  !"  Sandeep  said  :

"in consulting, the  cutting  edge is  innovation.  The  tried  and tested  consulting  model  of  doing  process  reviews  and model-building  will  wither  away  because  the  faith  in

models is dying.  Innovation can happen  only  if  the  people involved  have  a  passion  for  it.  The  key  differentiator between  businesses  that  succeed and  those  that  fail  is passion.  The  moment  there  is  a  mismatch  between personal passion and  the  product  line,  it  fails  to  work."

Questions  :

(a)  Does motivation help in  raising  performance only.  Or it  also  inspires  creativity and  innovativeness  among employees  ?

(b)  Why  is  Sandeep's  approach  o{  niotivation  not suitable  ?

(c)  Does  Organisation  need  a  team  of  highly  motivated employees  to  succeed  ? Give  reasons.

MS-21    Dec, 2008


1.  Describe  briefly the  salient  features  of  counseling in  organizations.  Discuss  the possible  outcomes of counselling.

2.  Explain briefly  the  Behaviourist  and Cognitive approaches  to  learning  and  their  relevance  in organizations.

3.  How  do groups  form  ?  What are  the conditions for  enhancing  group  effectiveness.

4. What  are  the  characteristics  of  a  Learning Organization  and  explain  how  a  learning organization  differs  from  a  Traditional Organisation.

5.  Write short  notes  on any three of.  the  following

(a)  Power vs. Authority

(b)  Emotional Intelligence

(c)  Political Implications

(d)  Corporate Governance

(e)  Transaction  Analysis


6.  Read the  case  gizten  belozo  and  anszoer  the questions  given at  the end.

Mr.  Subash  works  at the headquarters  of a multinational  Motorbike company.  His task  was to  process  warranty  claims and  advice service engineers  working  in  the  field  with  distributors throughout  the  world.  Then Mr.  Subash  heard of an  opening  for a  field engineer  in this  company itself.  As a first  step,  Mr.  Subash  approached  his immediate  superior  Mr.  Manohar  and  asked  to be  considered  for  the  post.  He was told  to mind his  present  job  sincerely  with  an assurance  that his request  would  be considered.later  on.  After sometime  while  Mr.  Manohar was on a business trip,  Subash  approached  Ms. Sarala,  the  Service Manager for  international  operations,  who  was of  course  the boss  of  Mr.  Manohar.  During  the discussion,  Ms. Sarala,  who  favoured promoting young  talents  from  within  the  company  realized that  Mr. Subash  was  well qualified  for  the  position of a  field engineer.  Ms.  Sarala  promised  to  talk  to Mr.  Manohar after his return  from  the trip. One week later,  Mr.  Manohar called  Subash  to his room  and said,  "I  learnt  you have  talked  to Ms. Sarala  while  I  was  away about the  position of  field  engineer.  I  would not  like  you  to  be  shifted at  this  moment,  as  very recently  we  have  switched over to  a computerised  claim-processing  system and I  need  your  services  because  you  have  the broadest  experience  among  all the  seven  persons working  under  me on this project."  Subash  was shocked  to  see  the  logic as  to why  he  should not seek  for  promotion  and why  should he not  be considered  for  the same,  as  he fulfils  all  the eligibitity  criteria  for  being appointed  as  a field engineer.  He was not  able  to justify  the stand taken  by  his superior  as  he should  be punished for  being  the  most experienced  person in  the group. Two  weeks later,  a field  engineer  was appointed  from  outside the  organisation  with almost identical qualifications but  with  a little more experience.  Subash  was wondering  what he should do next.


l.  Identify  the problem  in  the case. What would  be your  next  step, if  you  were Subash  ?

2. How  would  you  react  to this  development, if  you were the CEO  of the  organisation and it  was done wlth/  without  your  consent/knowledge  ?

3. How  do  you  perceive the  role  of  Mr.  Manohar and other  superiors  as  Managers ?  Do you  think it  may  lead  to  any  organisational problem  ?  If yes,  why  ?

4. Do you  see  this  development  as  a solitary  case  or a happening  which  may  have  its  bearing  on  the overall  work  culture  of  the  organization

MS-21    Dec, 2009



1. Describe Maslow's need hierarchy theory and it's relevance in the present day organizational context.

2. Describe Johari window model in enhancing interpersonal relations.

3.Discuss the importance of organisational culture and how it contributes to organisational success.

4. What are the barriers to effective communication and how to overcome them. Give examples.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Learning organisations

b) Counselling

c) Groups vs teams

d) Emotional intelligence

(e) Conflict resolution


6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end :

Arun joins 'ZAPTO' chain of casual wear stores as a sales representative, immediately after the completion of graduation and a diploma in sales management. The firm was very happy with his extremely good performance. Arun was awarded the 'Star Performer Prize' for his continuous display of the highest sales volume record for 12 consecutive months. The General Manager of 'ZAPTO' chain of stores, Rajkumar, was informed by his Marketing Manager, Madhuraj, that Arun was a very aggressive and dynamic sales representative having a strong target commitment and orientation. Within a span of two years, based on his good performance appraisal, Arun was promoted to the position of Assistant Marketing Manager. Under his new assignment, Arun had 8 sales representatives reporting to him and also to ensure that the sales target of his shop was met. Arun took to his new promoted assignments with the same zeal and enthusiasm. Arun now set the targets to be met by his team members for the first month and communicated the same, clearly indicating that all the team members have to meet the target without fail. The eight team members (sales representatives) felt that the targets set were too ambitious but declined to comment on it directly. After the meeting, during an informal chat all the team members discussed the matter amongst themselves and then dispersed. Arun called for a review meeting at the end of a fortnight to take stock of the situation and was shocked and disappointed to learn that all the representatives were well behind the target set for them. Arun could not control his disappointment and openly and bluntly condemned them for not reaching the target. He once again reiterated that he expected all his team members to achieve their targets by the end of the month. After the meeting, the team members amongst themselves admitted that they found Arun to be a difficult person with an unapproachable mind-set. However, they also decided to give in their best efforts to achieve the targets assigned to them. But even with their sustained efforts they could achieve only 70 per cent of the target set by Arun, by the end of the

month. At the end of the month, when Arun reviewed the sales statements of his team, he was disappointed though slightly happy with the marginal improved efforts of his team. However, in the meeting instead of praising and encouraging his team's efforts, Arun communicated his displeasure and once again was emphatic and told his team that lack of

commitment from them was stopping them from attaining their target, so they had to try hard once again. This outburst was not liked by his team. And in the next month-end briefing, Arun was greeted with well below the target set. Arun now openly rebuked his sales representatives team, for their slow performance and refused to accept that he had set too high targets for his team. Ultimately, the team members met their Marketing Manager, Madhuraj and conveyed everything to him. Madhuraj was shocked but promised to talk to Arun.

Questions for discussion :

a) In the above case, what are the problems affecting the team's effectiveness and performance ?

b) Do you feel Madhuraj should modify team members roles before talking to Arun ?

(c) Can you suggest ways by which Arun can be developed as good team leader ?

MS-21    Dec, 2010


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