Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

June, 2010

Ms-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising



1(a) Explain the concepts of frequency reach, effective reach frequency and continuity.

(b) What are the media considerations to be taken into account for promotion of an online-matrimonial site ?

2(a) Discuss the integrated marketing communication and its implications for advertising.

(b) What are the most common techniques that creative thinkers use to stimulate new advertising ideas ?

3. (a) What are the various types of tests used for testing advertising effectiveness. Briefly describe any three of them

(b) How are advertising budgets prepared. Briefly discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the objective and task method.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Difference between direct marketing and personal selling.

(b) Branding and its role in advertising.

(c) Role of public relation in promotion.

(c) Creative approaches in social advertising

(e) AIDA Model versus DAGMAR Model.


5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end :


GCMMF tried its hand at Paneer marketing by testing a brand called Sugam, in Baroda in the mid 1990s. The product was refined, fine-tuned and ready for a large scale roll out. The real challenge was to overcome the 'freshness' barrier. Could Amul tackle doubts about its freshness ? Freshness matters so much to the consumer that she is willing to go an extra mile, to her regular paneer shop for getting real fresh  paneer ! Amul had already set up a cold chain to handle its  ice cream marketing. It was felt that cold chain would help deliver 'freshness' to the discerning consumer. But it was felt that it had to be  perceived differently from the neighbourhood paneerwala !Amul Malai Paneer It started with the name. Amul  paneer was not just paneer but was 'malai paneer' connoting : the vital quality of paneer as its ingredient made from rich cream a grainy texture that absorbs better (and is  not rubbery) The packaging was technologically designed to 'seal in' the freshness of  paneer. The pack graphics portrayed an appetizing shot of a  "paneer dish, "paneer peas masala". The pack's shelf (or freezer) appeal was aimed at giving it a premium feel ! Communication for Amul Malai Paneer The communication task for Amul  malai paneer was to drive home the point about it being soft, rich, creamy ! It was felt that the basic benefits of a branded packaged product, like those of hygiene, weight, price, will be obvious to the  consumer. The communication, therefore, had to work on selling the 'taste' of the product, more than anything else. The 'taste' had to be sold without going against any established beliefs that might exist in the consumers' minds. This, it was felt, would be best achieved through the use of humor. The Amul paneer TV commercial was centred around the great taste of paneer (visually seen in softness and richness) which is so good that it even helps and amnesia patient recover his lost memory ! The TV commercial was supported by limited press advertising during the launch phase. Amul rnalai paneer, as per Amul corporate values, was also priced attractively ! Post-launch researches have shown that the brand has gained high trials. The TV commercial has been well remembered and liked. With Amul inalai paneer, GCMMF has managed to open up yet another large opportunity for the Amul brand to take its message into more homes: The taste of India Rules! Amul Malai Paneer : Brand Building Tips Ethnic foods can successfully leverage the emotional links of 'home-mother-wife' while offering the key benefits of 'taste' and 'ease of use'. Amul malai paneer advertising used humour in a 'home' setting to deliver its 'home taste' offer successfully.

Questions :

(a) Briefly comment on the advertising strategy of Amul malai paneer.

(b) What are the kind of media vehicle options available for such mass market FMCG products.

(c) What are the ways in which Amul malai paneer can generate awareness at the store level.

June, 2011

MS-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising



1.  (a) Different people buy same products / Brands for different motives. Discuss the above statement and identify the possible buying motives of a young professional for club membership.

(b) Explain the relationship between "Message design" and "positioning".

2.  What criteria would you adopt for measuring the ad-effectiveness of the following ? Justify giving reasons for your answers.

(a) "Save Tiger" Campaign on Television by sports personnel.

(b) Short film shows by Health Department educating prevention of communicable diseases targetted at rural folk.

(c)  Print campaign of the recently concluded IPL 2010.

3.  (a) Discuss briefly the steps involved in media planning. How would media options differ in the following cases :

(i)  fairness creams for men

(ii)  video games for children

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Copy Testing

(b)  Managing Sales promotion in Services Marketing.

(c)  Ethics in Advertising.

(d)  Rural media Scene

(e)  Direct marketing


5.  (a)   More people lose their life in road accidents than in warfare. Develop a suitable social marketing campaign for promoting sate driving habits among young adults in India.

(b) An advertising agency is not sure whether a core idea featuring "Value for money" Or "Technical know-how" will be most effective. Assume that the advertising campaign for the new video camera is to be launched within the next 4-6 weeks, what approach would you suggest to select the core idea ? Explain. 

December, 2011

Ms-68 : Management  of Marketing Communication and Advertising



1.(a) Discuss the concept of Integrated Marketing Communication as a tool for market development strategies.

(b) What is media buying ? How would an advertiser know his return on media investment ?

2(a) "Advertising research can provide guidance, but cannot guarantee success". Substantiate.

(b) What creative considerations would you recommend while planning for an advertising campaign of a recently improved product of your choice ? Make suitable assumptions if necessary.

3. (a) Sales promotions are conceived with a purpose. Discuss the different types of sales

promotions methods that firms can pursue for increased sales, giving suitable examples.

(b) Outline the reasons for the growth of Internet as a preferred advertising medium by advertisers worldwide. What are its major benefits and limitations for sellers and buyers ?

4. Write short notes on  any three  of the following :

(a) Sources of misunderstanding in communication

(b) Techniques of determining promotion budget

(c) Measuring the performance of sales promotion

(d) Social marketing communication

(e) Major functions of advertising agency


5. What do you understand by the term 'promotion mix' ? Suggest suitable promotion mix for the following :

(a) Vacuum cleaner

(b) Car rental services

(c) CNG kits for passenger cars 

December, 2012

Ms-68 : Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising


1.  (a)  Explain the various sources of misunderstanding that may thwart the process of marketing communication, giving suitable examples.

(b)  In what ways the advertisers make use of consumer learning concepts ?

2.  (a)  Your organization has come up with a new brand of toothpaste. As the marketing

manager, how would you assign different roles to the various promotional mix elements keeping into consideration the ' Hierarchy of Effect' model ?

(b)  Illustrate the use of colour in creation of an effective message.

3.  (a)  Explain the different types of media schedules available to the advertisers.

(b)  What are the major differences between internet advertising and conventional form of mass advertising ? Explain giving suitable examples.

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Use of Public Relations in marketing.

(b)  Pre-testing and Post-testing.

(c)  Social communciation Vs Brand advertising.

(d)  Consumer Attitudes and Advertising.

(e)  Agency positioning strategies.


5.  (a)  Taking any fast moving consumer good of your choice explain how you would go about managing a consumer promotion scheme.

(b)  School going kids are seen to compromise on their fun reading habits. Which media

would you select to encourage their reading habits and why ? 

June, 2013

MS-68: Management of Marketing Communication and Advertising


1. (a) Explain some of the important learning theory concepts of relevance to advertisers.

(b) Discuss the Ethical Issues in Advertising giving suitable examples.

2. (a) Why would you prefer using radio when the average urban Indian spends comparatively greater time on television ? Explain.

(b) What are the major issues in measurement of advertising effectiveness ? Explain.

3. Develop an appropriate promotional strategy for a tourist destination of your liking.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Marketing Communication Process

(b) Advertising Vs Publicity

(c) Legal issues in Advertising

(d) Indian Media Scene

(e) Direct Mail


5. (a) Marketing communication is all about successful transmission of clear message that

results in effective reception. Yet many a times the distortion creeps in. Identify and describe one commercial that according to you communicates effectively and one that does it ineffectively. Justify your answer.

(b) Plan a campaign that promotes traffic sense in your city.

Monday, 17 February 2014 11:16

Ms-66 December, 2009 Marketing Research

December, 2009

Ms-66 : Marketing Research


1. (a) What are the different ways of classification of Data ? Explain.

(b) Illustrate the different methods of graphical presentation of data.

2. A company wants to sell books and accessories for Yoga. Design a questionnaire to profile the potential customers for such products.

3. How is the sample size for a market research survey determined ? Describe the steps involved.

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Common Applications of Marketing Research.

(b) Cross Tabulation.

(c) Applications of Conjoint Analysis.

(d) Sources of errors in primary data collection.

(e) Projective Techniques.


5. Study the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.


Snacks India Ltd. is a large company dealing in packaged Indian Snacks. They are mainly selling in India but have also got selling arrangement in some selected foreign countries with significant Indian population. Snacks India Ltd. believes in continous experimentation and helps on launching new snack items in terms of their kind, form, size, taste and prices etc. One such product was a variation of Indian Dhokla with chocolate topping. To their surprise, this became more popular among Indians living in western countries and even some of the western countrymen, as well. Even in India they found that this new product was preferred more by the westernised Indians.  The company decided to launch this product in a big way. So far, this was called just "Chocolate Dhokla". But, the company realised the need to give it an attractive new brand name. After some brain storming they decided that the new brand name must have following characteristics

  1. (a)Uniqueness
  2. (b)Simple to
  3. (c)Evolving pleasurable feelings.
  4. (d)Western associations.

(e)  Conveying the basic idea of the products.

For collecting the names and finally selecting amongst them the company decided to conduct a suitable marketing research.

Question : Prepare a suitable marketing research proposal for Snacks India Ltd. Describe the steps involved in the research.

Monday, 17 February 2014 11:15

Ms-66 June, 2010 Marketing Research

June, 2010

Ms-66 : Marketing Research


1 (a) Explain briefly the basis of classification of various types of research design available to the researcher.

(b) Identify the major problems in conducting Marketing Research in India. Suggest possible solutions to overcome these problems.

2. (a) What are the various kinds of probability sampling methods ? Write briefly on each

one of them and specify the situations where they could be best used.

(b) Discuss the steps involved in applying discriminant analysis technique. What are its main areas of application in marketing ?

3. (a) What are the various types of scales used in Marketing Research to measure attitude towards a product / service. Explain them in brief.

(b) Explain the purpose of data processing. What are the tasks involved in converting raw data into usable information ?

4. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Stages in M.K. Process

(b) Sources of Secondary Data

(c) Factor analysis

(d) Application of Marketing Research in Sales and Distribution.

(e) Techniques of Graphical Presentation of Data.


5. (a) Explain your understanding of and  differences between Qualitative and Quantitative research.

(b) A medium sized detergent manufacturer intends to launch a new detergent in North India. It intends to undertake a feasibility study to understand the market potential of the product.

Brand Name : Spark

Price :      Rs. 124/- per kg.

Rs. 93/- per 750 gms

Rs. 65/- per 500 gms

Launch market : Entire Northern Belt

Competition - All major brands from the organised sector.

Design a questionnaire based on the above objective and information.

Monday, 17 February 2014 11:14

Ms-66 June, 2011 Marketing Research

June, 2011

Ms-66 : Marketing Research


1.  Discuss the situations under which Factor Analysis can be used ? List the steps involved in using Factor Analysis.

2.  What are the different Probability Sampling methods ? Explain with the help of examples.

3.  Describe the precautions that should be taken while conducting marketing research based on secondary data.

4. What are the different Quasi-Experimental Designs used in Marketing Research? Explain the application of any two designs with the help of examples.

5 Write, short notes on any three of the following:

(a)  Conjoint Analysis.

(b)  Data Editing.

(c)  Sample Size Calculations.

(d)  Descriptive Research.

(e)  New Product Research.


6. Read the case given below and answer questions given at the end.


Growth Shravan Ltd.

Growth Shravan Ltd. (GSL) is a company recently launched in the business of marketing audio books. These books are available on various media like CDs, internet, pen drives and i-pods etc. and can be listened through different kinds of electronic devices both stationary and mobile. The great idea behind the company was to top the growing need for acquiring knowledge by busy people. The immediate target customers were considered to be busy executives particularly during their travel time to be followed by students, other professionals and eventually housewives and practically everybody. GSL wanted to go about their marketing efforts in a systematic way. Therefore, they first listed

the information on which they would like .a base their key marketing decisions. They were

(a)  Validation of the target group's definition.

(b)  Detailed profile of their target Customers group.

(c)  Likely buying motivation for audio books.

(d)  Evaluation of audio book features.

(e)  Customers evaluation of audio books against its alternatives.

(f)  Monetary and other costs involved in using audio books.

(g)  Monetary value ascribed to audio books. A suitable marketing research project needs to be designed for providing the above information to GSL.

Questions :

(a)  Prepare a suitable marketing research proposal for helping GSL.

(b)  Develop a suitable questionnaire for the above proposal. 

Monday, 17 February 2014 11:12

Ms-66 December, 2011 Marketing Research

December, 2011

Ms-66 : Marketing Research


1. (a) Discuss the relevance and the scope for conducting Marketing Research in the current competitive scenario.

(b) Why it is necessary for marketers to estimate the value and cost of information before conducting research ? Elaborate.

2. (a) What type of research objectives and information needs may necessitate use of secondary data ? Identify various sources of secondary data.

(b) Explain the sources of error in primary data collection.

3. (a) What is qualitative research and what are its uses ?

(b) Discuss the various steps involved in data processing in a marketing research study.

4. Write short notes on  any three  of the following ;

(a) Quasi experimental design

(b) Criteria for good measurement

(c) Convenience sampling method

(d) Multi dimensional scaling

(e) Characteristics of a good questionnaire


5. You work in the marketing research department of Burgerking, a fast food firm known for its quality and competitive pricing. Burgerking has developed a new cooking process that makes burgers taste better. However before the new burger is introduced in the market.taste tests will be conducted ?

Questions :

(a) How should the sample size for the taste test be determined ?

(b) Develop a series of questions/questionnaire to obtain feedback post taste tests from the target respondents comprising the young college goers. 

Monday, 17 February 2014 11:11

Ms-66 December, 2012 Marketing Research

December, 2012

Ms-66 : Marketing Research


1. For each of the following situations, indicate the most appropriate Research Design, giving reasons.

(a)  A Brand Manager wishes to have a better understanding of the image of his/her brand.

(b)  An environmental group decides to conduct an experiment to measure the impact of a publicity brochure designed to raise consumers' awareness about environmental issues and to convince them to recycle.

(c)  A company wants to develop a solar powered mosquito repellent and wants to get an idea of its possible market.

2.What are the different scales used for altitude measurement in marketing research? Explain with suitable examples.

3.  (a)  Explain the steps involved in a sampling process.

(b)  With relevant examples, explain the various probability sampling methods.

4.  Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a)  Methods of conducting Qualitative Research.

(b)  Conjoint analysis Vs Discriminant analysis

(c)  Multi dimensional Scaling.

(d)  Sources of Secondary Data.

(e)  Scope of Marketing Research.


5.  With the onset of summer, demand for petrol/kerosene generators and battery operated inverters increases in the Household (Domestic) segment. Draft a questionnaire, to help gather information for a Marketing Research Project to study consumer perception, purchase criteria usage pattern and satisfaction of  generators/invertors for this segment. 

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