Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

ignou question Bank -

Thursday, 01 November 2012 06:18

MS-3 – June-2007

MS-3 – June-2007


1 (a) What is Environmental Movement ?

(b) Discuss in detail the policy measures taken by the Government and the efforts made by business firms for promotion and protection of the nafural

environment. Give examples.

2. What is the rationale for private sector development ? Critically examine the problems and prospects of privatisation.

3. What are the long term objectives of planning ? How far have the strategies adopted helped to achieve growth, employement, and equity ?

4(a) Discuss the merits and demerits of currency convertibility for a developing economy.

(b) Discuss the incentives given by the Government to Exporters as a part of EXIM Policy.

5. (a) briefly discuss the significance and need for financial reforms

(b) What reforms have taken place in the Small Scale Sector ? Discuss with example

Thursday, 01 November 2012 06:09

MS-3 – June-2008

MS-3 – June-2008


1. Discuss the salient features of the New Economic Policy and the initiatives taken by the government for economic restnrcturing.

2. Describe the institutional framework for Small Scale Industry (SSI) which emerged over the period.

3. (a) Discuss the salient features of the Gandhian Model of Development and its relevance in the current context.

(b) "The overall performance of public sector enterprises (PSEs) has been poor."

Do you agree with the above statement ? why ? Why not ? Give reasons.

4. Describe the various kinds of external debt. Critically evaluate the growing debt servicing burden of India and the challenges associated with increasing debt burden

5. Critically examine the recommendations of the Narasimhan Committee"

6. Give your comments on the following statements :

(a) Effective opposition is as important as a dedicated govemment to protect, promote, regulate business in the best interest of society.

(b) Industrial sickness is essentially a managerial failure.

(c) The distinction between Capitalism and Communism has become thin.

(d) The remarkable upsurge in foreign investments and collaborations in the 90s is largely due to policy liberalisation.

(e) Economic reforms have failed to provide social security.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) The Environmental Movement

(b) Mixed Economic Framework

(c) Economic Reforms and Inflation

(d) Privatisation

(e) Social Responsibility of business

(f) Horizontal versus Vertical equity

Thursday, 01 November 2012 05:46

MS-3 – June-2009

MS-3 – June-2009


1.. Discuss the interaction matrix of economic and non-economic environment. How does the economic environment influence the non-economic environment of business and vice versa ? Explain with suitable examples.

2. what are the objectives of public sector? Elaborate the objectives which resulted in the growth of the public sector. Do you think public sector is critical to the growth of the economy ? Comment.

3. Discuss the main strategies that have been adopted since the beginning of Second Plan (1956). Also highlight the limitations' if any of these strategies in the current context.

4. How does the exchange rate of a nation's currency influence the balance of payments of an economy? Explain in terms of rupee convertibility on both the current and capital accounts'

5. "Financial sector reforms constitute an important component of the prograrnme

of stabilization and structural reform''.Elaborate the statement in the light of financial sector reforms in relation to public sctor banks.

Thursday, 01 November 2012 05:34

MS-3 – June-2010

MS-3 – June-2010


1. What do you think are the defining characteristics of economic and non-economic environment ? How do these environments impact the business ? Explain with examples.

2. (a) 'The small scale industry has found a place of prominence in the successive industrial policies of India'. Keeping this statement in mind, elaborate upon the industrial policy for small scale industries (SSI).

(b) Explain the institutional infrastructure at the central level institutions for SSIs.

3. Experts often argue that industrial licensing policy has impeded competition in India. Evaluate this statement in the light of objectives of industrial licensing policy in India.

4. Explain the EXIM policy charges effected in 1991. How are such measures different from the EXIM policies pursued earlier ?

5. (a) Identify the fundamental differences between exclusive and inclusive growth.

(b) Critically examine the new economic reforms from the viewpoint of its impact on employment.

6. Comment on each of the following statements :

a) India's indebtedness position has improved in recent time

b) India's capital account is now partially convertible.

c) Liberalisation, globalisation and privatization are all means to achieve certain ends of the society.

d) New focus in MRTP act.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

a) Balance of payments

b) Tariff and non-tariff barriers

c) Fiscal deficit and revenue deficit

d) Financial Asset structure of household section.

(e) Rao - Manmohan Model of development.

Tuesday, 30 October 2012 16:53

MS-3 – june-2011

MS-3 – June-2011


1. Examine the interaction between economic environment and business management. How the environment and management influence each other ? Explain with suitable examples.

2. "The economic environment of business exercises a strong influence on the non-economic environment of business and vice versa". Briefly discuss citing specific interactions.

3. "India today has one of the most diversified industrial structures in the world." Examine the basic structural changes in the economy in the light of the above statement.

5. What are the principal elements of Industrial Policy of 1980 ? Compare it with the Industrial Policy of 1991 and discuss.

6. "Foreign investment and technology will largely be beneficial to India's industrialisation and economic development". In the light of this discuss foreign investment policy and foreign collaborations in the post reform period.

7. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Changing role of Government

(b) Industrial Sickness

(c) Revenue Deficit

(d) Rao - Manmohan Model of Development

(e) Administered Prices

Monday, 29 October 2012 11:11

MS-3 – Dec-2007

MS-3 – Dec-2007


1. "The management movement in India has been relatively strong and distinct." Discuss the statement giving examples.

2. Explain industrial sickness. What are the factors responsible for sickness in small scale industry ? What remedial measures would you suggest for tackling the problem ?

3. Critically examine whether the regulatory and promotional policy framework is in accordance with the following goals and objectives of the economy :

(a) To achieve full employment, and

(b) To reduce inequalities in income and wealth.

4. What is the role of external debt in the economic development of a country and what are the implications of a growing external debt ? What measures are needed to check the growth of debt servicing burden ?

5- critically examine the Indian financial system in detail.

6. Comment on the following statements :

(a) Government involvement in Indian economy is a necessity.

(b) currently, consumers in India are conscious of their rights.

(c) Managers in the public sector are simirar to those in private sector; it is the work culture which is the impediment to higher efficiency.

(d) Although business is an economic activity, economic environment of business cannot be considered in isolation. It has to be considered in line with other social, cultural and technological factors.

(e) By keeping the doors open to multinational corporations, India is able to proceed along the.desired path of development.

7. Write short notes on any four :

(a) Social security

(b) Economic reforms and poverty

{c) Social responsibilities of business

(d) Mixed economy

(e) Economic growth

(f) Balance of payments

Monday, 29 October 2012 11:06

Ms-3 Dec 2008

MS-3 – Dec-2008


1. Explain the critical elements of economic environment, giving examples. What, according to you, are the landmark developments of economic environment in India ?

2; Critically evaluate impact of' structural changes in Indian industry on the industrial growth experience.

3. Discuss the issues and impediments to growth of India's foreign trade in the post-reform period.

4. Critically examine the tax reforms and rccent developments in the taxation policy and its impact on the fiscal position of the govemment.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a) Role of the Government

(b) Industrial Sickness

(c) Public Accountability

(d) Administered Prices

(e) Public Debt

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:22

Ms-3 Dec 2009

MS-3 – Dec-2009


1. (a) Explain the critical elements of social environment of business.

   (b) Discuss the business implications of social developments, industrialisation process and management culture.

2. (a) What are the factors responsible for industrial sickness ? Discuss with reference to both SSI and non SSI sectors.

   b) How can the problem of industrial sickness be tackled ? Discuss with reference to both SSI and non SSI sectors.

3. Critically examine the Industrial Licensing policy. Discuss its relevance in the current scenario.

4. Briefly discuss the foreign investment policy in India in the post reform period i.e. 1991 onwards. What impact did liberalisation have on the quantum of FDI inflows into India ?

5. Write short notes on any four of the following :

a)   Globalisation

b)   Inflation

(c) Social responsibility of business

d) Public sector

e) Debt servicing burden

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:17

Ms-3 Dec 2010

MS-3 – Dec-2010


1.  Define Economic Development. State a few indications of economic development in the Indian Context. Briefly discuss the major structural changes experienced by the Indian economy.

2.  Discuss the impact of population growth on per capita income and its growth in India.

3.  Explain the major structural changes in the Indian Industry since economic reforms were undertaken.

4.  Discuss the main features of post 1991 policies on development in India. Do you agree with the statement that while the policies succeeded on growth, they failed on equity?

5.  (a) Define market failure and government failure. What kind of consensus seems to be emerging with regard to the role of government in the current scenario ? How and Why ?

(b) Discuss the trends in India’s Foreign Trade over the last two decades.

6.  Comment on each of the following statements :

(a)  Regional disparities to be removed by encouraging balanced regional development.

(b)  India’s current account is fully convertible and capital account is partially convertible.

(c)  Foreign capital and technology will largely be beneficial to India’s industrialization and economic development.

(d)  The concept mixed economy is still relevant in India.

7.  Write short notes on any four of the following :

(a)  Cash Reserve Ration and Statutory Liquidity Ratio.

(b)  Gross Domestic Product and Gross National Product.

(c)  Over the Counter Exchange of India (OTCEI)

(d)  Gandhian Model of Development.

(e)  Foreign Institutional Investment

Monday, 29 October 2012 08:15

Ms-3 Dec 2011

MS-3 – Dec-2011


1."Management movement in India has been strong and distinct compared to trade unionism and consumerism". Discuss the statement highlighting the implications of professionalisation of management.

2. Briefly analyse the growth and structure of private   sector. What according to you are the major differences between private and public sector ?

3. Analyse the major trends in the growth of India's   foreign trade. Also discuss why developing country needs to participate in Foreign Trade ?

4. Critically examine the recommendations of the Tax Reforms Committee.

5. Write short notes on any four of the following.

(a) Laissez - faire type of Economy.

(b) Industrial Licensing

(c) OTCEI (Over the Table Counter Exchange of India)

(d) Balance of Payment Account.

(e) Economic Reforms and control of inflation

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