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Ms-10 Question bank

Ms-10 Question bank (11)

Ms-10 Question bank

MS-10   june, 2009


1. Describe the importance of organizational diagnosis and different perspectives which could be used for analysing organisations and their purpose.

2. Discuss the various approaches in understanding organisation.

3. Explain the factors for an effective job design. Describe any two approaches to job design and their merits and demerits.

4. Discuss various steps involved in phases of planned change and their relevance

J. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Skills of a change agent.

(b) Matrix organisations.

(c) Stages in organisation Development.

(d) Task force.

(e) MacDonaldisation.

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

Mr. Krishna Rao was utterly baffled. He took over office four months ago and has since initiated. several changes all of which are good. His main intentions in making the changes were that the office should look more professional and the employees should be facilitated to become productive without making them work too hard. The office now indeed looks more spacious with the new layout, and in fact, his colleagues from the other departments who pass by comment on how nice and professional the office looked ! Mr. Rao had put the secretaries' desks close to their bosses' cabins so that they did not have to walk up and down all the time. Previously, they were huddled together in the secretaries' pool, and whenever they had to take dictation which was several times a day they had to walk quite a bit.

He also purchased new calculating machines for the department which are quick, efficient, and accurate, so that the assistants now do their calculations without making mistakes. In fact, he had just placed an order for a high-speed computer

which would take away the boredom and monotony of all the laborious human calculations and would be a boon to all. Actually, once the computer is installed, the managers will not have to be dependant on the lower level staff. Whatever statistics or information the managers need, the computer will generate the data in no time at all. And the computer manufacturer was going to offer free programming sessions for all those who wanted to attend them. Manuals will also be made available to all the staff. It was the best of all possible worlds for the entire department and Mr.Rao could not understand why the staff were not more enthusiastic and some acfually seemed rather unhappy.

Questions :

(a) Identify the problems in this case.

(b) what kind of changes were prescribed by Mr.Rao and why ?

(c) Discuss why the changes did not produce the desired results in this situation.

(d) If you were Mr.Rao, how you would have handled the situation ?

MS-11   june, 2010


1. Describe any two types of organisation structures and relate their significance to restructuring. Explain with suitable examples.

2. Discuss the current trends in the study of work organisation and their effect on the work culture.

3. Describe Questionnaire as a tool for analysing an organisation and its merits and demerits.

4. Explain Lewin's model in process of change and interventions in Managing Resistance to change.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

a) Task force.

b) Process consultation.

c) Quality of work life.

d) Institution Building.

(e) Competencies required for a change agent.

6. Read the following case carefully and answer the questions given at the end.

In mid-1984, Mr. Mahmood, the general manager of Westward Exports Ltd., Karachi, Pakistan was striving to implement a management information system. He was facing resistance from Mr. Saleem, his most senior supervisor. Mr. Mahmood wondered what he could do to overcome this resistance.

Westward Exports was an exporter of ladies' cotton garments. It was a private company established in 1971, a family-run business, all four directors being brothers.

Over the past 14 years, the exports of the company had grown from Rs. 0.71 million in 1972-73 to Rs. 59.76 million in 1984. Almost 90 per cent of the exports went to the USA. It owned no manufacturing facility of any kind. It purchased cotton cloth from six different textile mills and had the cloth dyed and printed. This fabric was then passed on to 138 stitching subcontractors. The company had been expanding the product line over the years, and by 1983 it was exporting about one million garments in over 100 basic designs. 'The 100 designs were presented in a range of fabric types, shades, designs and sizes. When seen in the context that the company got all these things done through subcontractors, the managerial control of the operations became quite challenging. The directors, who had always been actively involved in each and every aspect of the business, and made all the decisions themselves, felt the heat of the changing situation. They appreciated the problem, and decided to hire some professional assistance to bring more control to their operations.

Mr. Mahmood was hired in late 1983 to be the new general manager. He was an agricultural graduate who had about 15 years of marketing and sales experience with a multinational organization. He had also attended more than a dozen management development courses. The directors were confident that he could introduce some new control measures to help ensure the continued success of the company. Mr. Mahmood quickly determined that if Westward Exports was to remain in business, it must immediately eliminate the haphazardness in its operations. No proper costing, no scheduling, no progress sheets or order status reports, no follow-up charts, or for that matter no control procedure worth the name existed. "It was all so nebulous," he concluded. He worked late hours to comprehend fully the nature and scope of the company's business and its coordination and working relationships with the contractors.

Almost immediately, he started to design a proper system to help cure the lack of control

and information available.

Out of about 200-odd employees in the company, the key operating manager was Mr. Saleem. Saleem joined the company in 1973 as a production officer, nearly the lowest rung in the company's hierarchy. He distinguished himself because of his hard work and was promoted to be a supervisor. By 1982, Saleem under direct supervision of the directors, was looking after every activity in manufacturing. Right from raw material procurement to packing and shipping of finished garments, he was coordinating all the activities. Because of the varied nature of his duties and his dedication to work, he was able to learn all the ins and outs of the business. Saleem was also considered to be a man with a photographic memory. He virtually ran the whole business from the information stored in his head. "I have an abhorrence for paperwork," said Saleem. "My work-load is so great that I am always engrossed in my job. Even my dreams are job-related," he added, "but due recognition has always been accorded to me by my directors." Saleem initially cooperated with Mahmood.

However, when Mahmood started to implement some of the new systems and procedures, Saleem refused to go along with them. Saleem even questioned the very need for such a drastic change. "Ask me about anything — any detail of a fabric, any garment, any export order — for that matter anything that has happened in this company since I joined, and I will tell you instantly. Why are you bothering the people here with such clerical burdens ? These luxuries are alright for big companies, but not for us. We cannot spare people for such unproductive things." Mahmood understood that Saleem was close to the director and was the seniormost supervisor. Therefore, his opposition could not be taken lightly. Mahmood also felt that the other might say that he had neither the general management experience, nor any particular experience in the garment industry.

Nevertheless, Mahmood was confident that the company did need the change, and as soon as possible. He was troubled, however, with the resistance of Mr. Saleem. Unless he could somehow overcome Saleem's reluctance to accommodate his new systems, he would not be able to do the job.

Questions :

a) Discuss the main issues reflected in the case.

b) What mistake did Mr. Mahmood make ?

(c) How should Mr. Mahmood handle the current situation ?

MS-10   june, 2011


1. Identify the key factors which affect the Organisational Design ? Briefly discuss the principles of a good Organisational Design. Explain with examples.

2. Distinguish between the Functional and Product Organisation, and Line and Staff Organisation. Discuss their merits and demerits with suitable examples.

3. What is Organising and Analysing Work ? Briefly discuss 'Scientific Management' and 'Human Relations' approaches to organising and analysing


4. Define and describe Organisational Diagnosis and its purpose. Discuss with suitable examples the role of various organisational sub-systems and processes as components of organisational diagnosis.

5. Write short notes on any three of the following :

(a) Institution Building.

(b) Questionnaire as a diagnostic tool.

(c) Essentials for success of Organisational Development.

(d) Team Building.

(e) Commonly used interventions for managing change.

"Sunrise" is the brand name of Sunrise Industries Ltd., a leading industrial house`of northern India with an annual turnover of more than Rs. 450 crores. The company produces a wide variety of electrical home appliances which are popular not only in India, but in foreign countries also. The Board of Directors is headed by Mr. Kamaldeep and its executive director is Mr. Ankit. The company has its head office at New Delhi and works at Ludhiana, about 300 km. from New Delhi. It is in the process of starting a new factory at NOIDA (about 25 km. from New Delhi) for the manufacture of refrigerators and air-conditioners. Sunrise Industries wasn`t always a big industrial giant. In fact, it had a very humble beginning. Kamaldeep, an electrical engineer, set up a small scale industrial unit in 1975. To start with, he undertook assembly and sale of sewing machines under the name `Sunrise` and gradually started manu­facture of certain spare parts. Because of better quality,,greater selling skills and lower profit margin, his sales turnover touched the figure of Rs. 1 crore during 1979-80. The products included sewing machines, irons, fans, geysers, etc.

In 1981, Kamaldeep entered into a partnership with Ankit, an M.B.A., who contributed a lot of capital into the business. The firm acquired a big industrial plot in the New Industrial Area of Ludhiana and converted their business into a company known as Sunrise Industries Ltd. in 1982. The brand name `Sunrise` was also registered in the name of the company. The company started the commercial production of single tub washing machines and instant geysers in 1983. Kamaldeep looked after production and Ankit took care of marketing and finance. They never looked back as they had a motivated work force of 40 workers and 5 foremen who worked like a big family.

It was during 1990 that the company shifted its head office to New Delhi and entered into a technical collaboration agreement with a foreign company. As a result, new generation twin tub semi-automatic washing machines and vacuum cleaners were launched in 1991 and the products were well received in the market because of latest technology and expanding market for electrical gadgets. The sales turnover increased tremendously every year.


1.  What changes in structural dimensions have taken place in Sunrise Industries ?

2.   Is the present structure organic ? Give reasons for your answer.

3.   Which approach to organisation do you feel can help the company tackle the current problems ?

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