Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

annamali university mba assignments

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:05

Ms-7 june 2007

MS-7   june, 2007



1. (a) Define Information Technology. Describe various types of information systems. Give example of each type of information system in order to differentiate Between them.

(b) What is an Operating System ? Describe various activities performed by a typical operating system.

2. (a) Explain the systems concept in management information and control. Describe the management functions at various levels in the context of relationships between management and information needs.

'(b) Discuss the ethical issues involved in the information society. Why is there a need to protect hardware and software from unauth orized access ? Discuss some of these mechanisms.

3a) Why is it logical to organize IT applications by functional areas ? Discuss the role of computers in one such area.

(b) Briefly discuss the business software solutions provided by any one of the following :

(i) SAP

(ii) Oracle

4 a) Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing Information System. When should outsourcing be used by the organizations ?

b) "With so many readymade and customized softwares available, the need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively, rather than learn to program them. " Do you agree ?

5. (a) What are data models ? How would you classify the data models ? Differentiate between various data models, with suitable examples.

b) Explain Aertificial Intelligence. Discuss few applications of artificial intelligence.

6. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Online Analytical Process (OLAP)

b) Groupware

c) Smart Cards

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:03

Ms-7 june 2008

MS-7   june, 2008



1. Information technology has been used in every business and for every function of a business. Contextualize a business perspective of IT by discussing some applications of IT.

2. Highlight the relationship beh,veen data & information and information & knowledge. Discuss some characteristics that must be possessed by "information".

3. Discuss in detail the use of computers in marketing management. Also describe briefly major marketing information sub-systems.

4. What are outsourcing information systems ? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing. How can IT help in managing outsourcing ?

5. What are expert systems ? Mention the working principles of expert systems. Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert systems.

6. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Third Generation Language (3GL)

b) Business software solutions from Oracle

c) Soft switched-based applications

7 . Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end. case : Teknosa, a leading Turkish Electronics chain Teknosa,Turkey's leading consumer electronics retail chain, has gong live with Oracle(r) Retail applications to support its aggressive expansion strategy and enhance service levels across its multiple sales channels. The implementation of the Oracle Retail Merchandising System, Oracle Retail Allocation and Oracle Retail category Management is enabling Teknosa to optimize inventory management, allocation and replenishment across its e-commerce and telephone channels as well as its ZSO stores as the retailer expands its operations across Turkey and neighbouring countries'

"The implementation of Oracle Retail applications is part of Teknosa's three year transformation programme designed to implement efficiencies and best practices thal will optimise our agility as we diversify our merchandise offerings, extend our domestic operations and expand into new territories," explained Mehmet T. Nane, General Manager of Teknosa. "The first phase of our go live has enabled us to enhance the allocation and replenishment processes supporting our drive to offer customers the best mix of global brands at the right price and in the right quantity whether they buy online, over the telephone, or in the store. "

The consumer electronics retail market in Turkey reached US$ 7.5 billion in 2007, resulting from an increased interest in innovative technology products and

the growth in multiple sales channels. Despite increasing competition in the market from foreign retailers with significant buying power, Teknosa had gained market

share and increased its revenues by 47 percent last year to US$ 807 million.

Established in 2000, Teknosa operates 230 stores across Turkey and an additional seven in Romania. Teknosa's expansion plans include extending its international reach into neighbouring countries, opening new store formats, expanding its merchandise from 5000 SKUs to more 10,000 SKUs and by opening a new store each week. It also intends to grow its customer retention strategy through the launch of a loyalty card programme.

       In November 2006, Teknosa selected Oracle Retail as the platform capable of supporting this aggressive growth strategy through the development of a best practices approach, following a series of successful pilots with Oracle and its partner, Accenture. As an existing Oracle E-Business Suite customer, Teknosa has benefited from rapid integration of the Oracle Retail merchandising applications.

Mehmet T. Nane continued, "our strategic relationship with Oracle has developed over the last six years and its credentials with global retail brands is helping us to implement best practices for retail processes, with a phased roadmap for delivering results and promoting rapid speed-to-value. In the first week after going live, Teknosa opened a new warehouse and four additional stores. "

"Teknosa is a great example of an emerging market retailer that understands the value of enhancing the customer experience in order to develop retail maturitV," said Patrick Bohannon, Vice President of EMEA, oracle Retail. "The

Oracle Retail applications that Teknosa has implemented are helping them to plan for the profitability of merchandise, improve the availability of key products domestically and proactively manage their international expansion strategy."

Questions :

(a) Critically comment on the impact of Oracle on Teknosa.

(b) "IT is a must for the businesses in the modern times. " Give two points in favour and two points against this statement.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:01

Ms-7 june 2009

MS-7   june, 2009


1. (a) What is Network Topology ? Briefly describe different types of Network Topologies.

(b) Distinguish between Internet and Intranet.

2. (a) Define MIS. \Mhat are the determinants of MIS design according to Zaru ?

(b) What are the main reasons for success and failure of an information svstem ?

3. (a) What is computerised maintenance management ? Explain the conceptual model through which the maintenance function can achieve its objectives on a sustained basis.

(b) Briefly describe the different generations of E-business.

4(a) How Information systems can contribute for total quality management ?

(b) What are the three major areas of feasibility which are addressed in system analysis ?

5(a) What makes java an almost perfect Web programming language? What are its disadvantages?

(b) Explain the meaning of the terms database, database management system and database administrative in Your own words.

6. (a) What do you mean by "business intelligence" ? What is an OLAP Engine?

b) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT ? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 17:00

Ms-7 june 2010

MS-7   june, 2010



1(a) What are operating systems ? Describe the functions of operating system.

(b) Describe the Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model). Briefly

discuss its seven layers.

2(a) Explain the modified Leavitt's model of an organisation as a socio - technical


(b) Discuss the role of MIS at various management levels. Make a comparative table

to substantiate your claim.

3(a) Describe how IT facilitates recruiting, training and personnel development.

(b) Define "Integrated software applications". How these applications have

transformed the way business is done ?

4(a) Is outsourcing information systems a better proposition in most of the situations ? Discuss some advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing.

(b) Discuss the three major areas of feasibility, which are addressed in system analysis ?

5. (a) What is metadata ? Describe the types of metadata and some uses of metadata for IT professionals.

(b) Define Artificial Intelligence (AI). Give some examples of application of AI in business.

6. Write short notes on any four of the following :

a) Open Source Software

b) Stealth and Polymorphic Viruses

(c) MRP II

d) Information Systems and TQM

e) Genetic Algorithms

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:56

Ms-7 june 2011

MS-7   june, 2011



1. (a) What is the purpose of a computer aided decision support system ? What are the

major components of such a system ? How does it help the decision making process ?

(b) What are the various types of networks ? Write a detailed note on the advantages

of networks.

2. (a) What is the need of information in present day society ? Why is it necessary to have a structure in an organization ?

(b) Compare and contrast programmed decision - making information system and decision assisting information system.

3. (a) How the financial systems, facilitated by computer software are important for economy of data processing and administrative efficiency ?

(b) What are integrated software applications ? Write a detailed note on their advantages and business utility.

4. (a) What are data models ? How you would classify the data models ? Differentiate between various data models with the help of an example.

(b) Why is metadata an important component of a data warehouse ? What is a metadata repository and how is it used by the query manager component of a data warehouse ?

5. (a) What is outsourcing information system ? Write detail note on the advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing .

(b) "With so many ready made and customised software available. The need for a manager is to learn to use them effectively rather than learn to program them". Do you agree ? Justify.

6. (a) What are expert systems ? Mention the working principles of expert systems. Also discuss how knowledge can be represented in expert system.

(b) What are the hardware and software issues for the technology for convergence ? Also explain what do you understand by soft switched - based applications ?

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:53

Ms-7 Dec 2007

MS-7   Dec, 2007



1. (a) Define Inforrnation Technology (lT) and discuss the advancements in the field of IT.

(b) What is Open Systems Interconnection Reference model (OSI model) ? Describe the seven layers of OSI model.

2. (a) What are various methods of assessing the value of information ? Explain any two methods briefly.

b) Discuss the importance of "right to privacy" and "freedom of information'' in Indian societv.

3 a) What is the change in the focus of Operations Management ? Is this change in the focus due to the increase of competitiveness in business ? Elaborate the role of IT in this regard.

b) Identify the transaction modules in marketing area. Discuss the four sub-systems concerned with Marketing Information System

4 a)Enumerate the advantages and disadvantages outsourcing information systems.

b) What is HTML ? Discuss the main features HTML.

5 a) Explain how data mining is different from online analytical processing (OLAP).

b) What are the characteristics of decision support systems ? What are its components ?

6. Write short notes on any two of the following :

a) Non-volatile storage

b) Knowledge Managemenr

c) Genetic algorithms

7 - Read the case given below and answer the questions given at the end.

Case Study :

In Trading private Limited Situated just outside of New Delhi in the state of Haryana, In Trading is an exclusive manufacturer, supplier, and exporter of Indian wooden ethnic furniture and furniture accessories to Europe, the United states,

the Far east. Middle East, and Africa, In Trading manufactures a wide range of wooden furniture made from Indian hardwoods such as sheesham, maple, oak, teak, and mango. Growing business demands, as well as the competitive furniture industry, led In Trading to evaluate and deploy Microsoft  Business solutions, which has led to cost savings and higher productivity.

According to market experts, the demand for furnilure is likely to expand exponentially in the next few years. l:urope will be the largest market at 45 percent,

followed by North America and the caribbean at 28 percent, and then Asia with 15 percent of the world. market. In essence, if a firm targets these top three regions; they cover 88 percent of the worldwide demand for furniture. The lndian furniture market is estimated to be worth U.S. $7 billion,/Rs. 280 billion,

ln Trading currently operates from a single location in the industrial town of IMT Manesar. where the manufacturing takes place. The company's corporate offices are located there as well. Manufacturing is done in a mechanized, assembly-like manner. In Trading supplies vooden furniture and furniture-related products to the best-of-breed department stores, chain stores, and retail outlets in Europe and the United States. the company's annual sales is over u.s, $3 million,/Rs. 120 million. Competitive prices, large production capacity, committed business dealings, and timely deliveries add to their reputation in the international market. Prior to implemenling the new solution,

In Trading used Tally as the financial and inventory package and a home-grown solution {or payroll management. The older Tally solution did not allow the organization to track inventory or its orders to completion. The lack of information made it difiicult for the management to make effective business decisions.

In trading faced the challenge of meeting delivery demands on time maintaining stringent product and service quality. It decided to implement a , cost- elfective business solution that would monitor all business processes and provide adequate information so that company management could make correct business decisions much more rapidly.

In Trading management decided to implement the Microsoft@ Business solutions to bring about transparency and streamline its business processes. In Trading's business processes have dramatically improved with the implementation of Business solutions.

. The new system has allowed the organization to enhance quality control systems, production processes, and on-time delivery scheduling.

Questions :

(a) Explain why the old non-integrated functional system created problems for In Trading and how integrated applications have helped.

(b) Discuss the Microsoft Business Solutions and comment on which modules were applicable in this case.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:51

Ms-7 Dec 2008

MS-7   Dec, 2008


1. (a) Define the Internet, Intranet and E-Commerce. Discuss the advantages of E-Commerce over conventional business.

(b) Describe the main components of a network including hardware and software.

2. (a) Discuss the objectives and process of computer aided decision support system.

     (b) Describe the decision making process of acquiring application software.

3. (a) Define MIS. Describe the functions that MIS supports in an organisation.

     b) What are the various ways of assessing the value of information ? Explain each method briefly.

4. a) Explain the different types of controls and audits required for an information system.

b) Elaborate your understanding regarding computer virus and protection strategy.

5. (a) What are integrated software applications ? Discuss about their advantages and business applications.

(b) What is the most common form of IT enabled organizational change ?

6. (a) Discuss the various phases of System Development Life Cycle.

(b) Differentiate between DSS, MIS & EIS with the help of suitable examples.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:50

Ms-7 Dec 2009

MS-7   Dec, 2009


1(a) Briefly discuss the various components of a computer system.

(b) What are various types of computer ?

2(a) What are multi-tasking and time-sharing systems in computer ?

(b) Describe different generations of programming languages and their characteristics.

3. (a) Distinguish between data, information and knowledge.

(b) How does computerised personal information systems help in managing human resource more efficiently ?

4(a) Which form of organizational change requires business processes to be analysed, simplified and redesigned ?

(b) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to users ?

5(a) Explain the concept of programming language. Explain identifiers, constants, expressions and library functions.

(b) What do you understand by database management system ? Explain. Describe its components.

6. (a) Differentiate between DSS, MIS, and EIS with the help of suitable example.

(b) Write a detailed note on emerging trends in convergence of IT and consumer electronics.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:49

Ms-7 Dec 2010

MS-7   Dec, 2010


1. (a) Define the Internet, Intranet and E-Commerce. Write a note on E-Commerce by citing the advantages of E-Commerce over conventional business.

(b) Write a detailed note on plug-and-play devices.

2. (a) What are the main types of software ? Write a detailed note on the advantages of open-source software ?

(b) Describe protocol suite briefly. You may include any five protocols in your answer.

3. (a) "There is a two way relationship between organization and information systems". Explain.

(b) Write a detailed note on data life cycle.

4. (a) What impact does the implementation of programmed decision-making have on the management system of an organisation ?

(b) "Every component of a computer such as software, hardware and network should be protected". Justify.

5. (a) How does Computerized Personnel Information System help in managing human resource more efficiently ?

(b) Computer are often refered to as "number crunchers". Elaborate the statement in the context of financial planning.

6. (a) Which of the design lays out the components of the system and their relationship to each other, as they would appear to user ?

(b) What do you understand by competitiveness of ICT ? Highlight the impact of ICT for the developing nations with respect to the economic activities.

Thursday, 08 November 2012 16:47

Ms-7 Dec 2011

MS-7   Dec, 2011


1. (a) Discuss the 'rational individual models' of decision making. What are the implications of these models to information system analysts ?

(b) "The way organisations cannot exist without MIS, even information does not exist without organisation." Discuss.

2. (a) "Management Storing Committees are the biggest hurdle in the growth of MIS function in an organisation." Elaborate.

(b) What are the various system analysis tools and why do we need more than one tool at a time ?

3. (a) Explain the concepts of 'synchronous' and 'asynchronous' system software.

(b) Describe the major steps in implementation of MIS design. Are they overlapping or exclusive ? Explain.

4. (a) What are expert systems and how, do they help in decision-making ? Illustrate with examples.

(b) What are types of transmission and mode of transmission ?

5. (a) In what sense does the database constitute the 'image' of an organisation ? List the five drivers which may motivate an organisation to move toward the database approach.

(b) Why should an organisation be careful about placing over reliance on "benchmark" tests in selecting a DBMS ?

6. (a) Examine the impact of computerisation in relation to the Indian context by giving

suitable examples.

(b) "Computer virus is a major threat to computer security." Justify. Also differentiate

among Trojans, Worms and Viruses by giving one example for each.

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