Mba Projects , Finance , HR , Operations , Marketing , world , pdf , ppt

trends in Marketing title first we will mail then start the work (Code: mr206)

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trends in Marketing  title first we will mail then start the work trends in Marketing  title first we will mail then start the work trends in Marketing  title first we will mail then start the work

Project Report  New


Product Details: Project report trends in Marketing  title first we will mail then start the work

Format: Word file

Pub. Date: NEW EDITION  custom made


Edition Description: NEW

Ready to submit project : yes

Number of pages : 65-70 project report 

Data : current







ABOUT THE Project Report 



  If you find yourself getting fed up and frustrated with other project report  now Mehta Solutions brings top solutions for projects

1.      Quality project report

2.      Research methodology

3.      Graphs , questionnaire

4.      Conclusion

5.      Everything in project


1. guidelines received 

Coursework Specification


The project proposal is between 2500 and 3000 words in length
The total word count of the dissertation is 10000 words.
Task Requirements
Topic/Title of your Project Proposal:
This Project Proposal is based on the research Title/Topic you previously submitted.
Structure and Contents of your Project Proposal:
  • The Project Proposal is an outline of your intended Project (worth 20 credit) providing information on the “What, Why, How conceptually, How practically of your research idea.
  • The purpose is to show the reader you have managed to arrange your broad Project research ideas into a logical account of research intention; and that these plans are justifiable and achievable. It requires you to think clearly about your research objectives, research methods and relevant literature.
  • The proposal will be assessed by your Project supervisor.
The following information (1 to 8) needs to be included in your Project Proposal:
1. Title of your Project Proposal
Indicating the focus of your research
2. Introduction-Background
This section should describe your broad research focus and explain the rationale and the context for identifying your research plans. You should provide sufficient background information on the issues you want to research for the reader to be able to understand the rest of your Project as well as its value. If you focus on an organisation you should provide enough organisational information to put your research plans into context.
3. Literature Review
This should be presented under a separate heading. This review is not intended as a full critical analysis of the literature at this stage, it should demonstrate how the project in grounded in theory and were appropriate practice. It should provide an identification of the themes from academic and other relevant recent and/or historically important literature, which acts as the basis for your intended study, and clarify where your intended study fits into this debate. If any particular theoretical models, frameworks or techniques are to be used as part of the analysis of the research data and findings this should also be included.
4. Specific Research Objectives and Research Questions
Your specific research objectives should make it clear to the reader exactly what is being planned by the proposed research. Well-­defined objectives should identify what is to be analysed, and to what purpose. Your objectives should provide sufficient scope for a Project of this size, but also be achievable within the resources available to you. They should not be vague or too general and should be leading to observable outcomes.
The research objectives will be used by the reader to judge the rest of your proposal, so make sure that your proposed research design, data collection and analysis fit with the objectives. Specific research questions (or hypotheses, if relevant) should be easily identifiable in your Project Proposal.
5. Research Design
This should provide an overall view of the approach and methods chosen to achieve your research objectives, as well as a justification for these choices. Providing information and justification for the research techniques and the methods you propose (for instance case study, cross sectional, time trends, etc.) and demonstrate your reading on the topic.
If relevant, it should also detail particular areas your research will focus on, such as sectors of industry or regions and the identity of your research population.
6. Data collection and analysis
In fieldwork based Projects, provide details of the data which needs to be collected; the way in which you intend to collect these data (for instance investigation of secondary data, survey, questionnaires) and the way you intend to analyse these data.
Be as precise as possible.  For instance: for secondary data collection, specify the exact data sources you intend to use; for surveys specify survey strategy, population and sample size; for interviews specify interview population, intended interview duration and way of analysis etcetera.
Provide clear information on access to this data: have you made sure all necessary data is available to you? If relevant, do you have the agreement of essential people to use certain data or conduct interviews? Is your Project agreed with the organisation you focus on if this is necessary?
Are there any other particular ethical considerations you need to abide by in your research?
7.   Time scale
A rough schedule of the tasks to complete between the submission of the Project Proposal and the submission of the Project, as either a Timeline with milestones or as a Gantt chart.
8. Reference list (Harvard standard)
1.  harvard style not possible
2. plagarisn 60%


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Price: 6 000.00 Rs
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