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Product Details:          NMIS University  MRK16101 SOLVED PAPERS AND GUESS

Format:                        BOOK

Pub. Date:                    NEW EDITION APPLICABLE FOR Current EXAM

Publisher:                   MEHTA SOLUTIONS

Edition Description2016





  If you find yourself getting fed up and frustrated with other ptu book solutions now mehta solutions brings top solutions for ptu. this MRK16101 contains previous year important solved papers plus faculty important questions and answers specially for ptu .questions and answers are specially design specially for NMIS students .


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1 Conceptual  Framework  of  Management:  Management  Defined;  Components  of

Management;  Features  of  Management;  Functions  of  Management,  Planning,  Organising, Staffing,  Directing,  Controlling;  Nature  of  Management,  Management  as  Science, Management  as  an  Art;  Levels  of  Management,  Top  Management,  Middle  Management, Lower Management; Administration and Management, Management and Administration are Different,  Management  includes  administration,  There  is  no  Distinction  between Management and Administration, Conclusion; Management as a Profession, Implication of Professionalisation;  Significance  of  Management  from  the  Point  of  View  of  Modern business Operations, Management is the Brain of an Enterprise

2 . Evolution  and  Foundations  of  Management  Theories:  The  Classical  Organisation Theory, Assumptions of the Classical Theory, Two Streams of the Classical Theory, Key Characteristics  of  the  Classical  Theory,  Principles  of  Organisations  under  the Classical Theory, Criticisms of the Classical Theory; Neoclassical Approach or Theory, Appraisal of Neoclassical  Theory  Contribution;  Facts  Discovered  through  Hawthorne  Experiments; Systems Approach to an Organisation, Definition and Characteristics of System, Concept of Sub-system in an Organisation, Classification of Sub-systems; Modern Organisation Theory is  Fundamental  in  Nature,  The  Various  Parts  of  the  System,  Nature  of  their  Mutual Interdependency; Modern Organisational Theory : An Appraisal.

3. Management  Planning  Process:  Planning  Process,  Importance  of  Planning,  Steps  of Planning,  Types  of  Plans,  Nature  of  Planning,  Scope  of  Planning;  Objectives  and  its Characteristics,  Characteristics  of  Business  Objectives,  Multiplicity  of  Objectives, Advantages  of  Formal  Definition  of  Objectives,  The  Process  of  Setting  the  Objectives, Environment  Factors  in  Defining  Objectives;  Policy  and  its  Meaning,  Classification  of Policies,  Formulation  of  Policies;  Procedure  Defined,  Distinction  between  Policies  and Procedures;  Forecasting  and  its  Various  Aspects,  Nature  of  Forecasting,  Importance  of Forecasting, Elements of Forecasting Process, Limitations of Forecasts.

4.Understanding  Organisation  –  Structure  and  Designs:  Organisation  Defined,

Characteristics  of  Organisation;  Consequences  of  poor  Organisation;  AMA?s  Ten

Commandments  of  Good  Organisation;  Principles  of  Objective;  Process  of  Organising; Functions  of  Organisation;  Organisational  Design;  Division  of  Labour  or  Principles  of Specialisation;  Departmentalization  Structures,  Departmentalization  by  Function, Departmentalization by Product, Departmentalization by Customer, Departmentalization by Geographic  Territory,  Departmentalization  by  Project,  Departmentation:  A  Combination Approach; Project and Matrix Design, Advantages of Matrix Organisation, Different Forms of  Matrix  Organisation;  Task  Force,  Teams,  Product  Managers,  Product  Management Developments; Factors in Departmentation; Assignments of Activities; Organisation Charts and  Titles;  Span  of  Control;  Potential  Relationships  between  Manager  and  Subordinates; Determining  the  Optimal  Span  of  Control,  Lockheed  Weighing  Scales,  Span  of Management  and  Organisational levels, Tall  vs.  Flat Organisational  Structure, The  Scalar Concept,  Unity  of  Command,  Exception  Principle;  Types  of  Organisation  Structure,  Line Organisation, Functional Organisation, Line and Functional Staff Organisation, Committee Organisation,  Use  of  Committee,  Organisation  Line-Staff  Relationships,  When  is  it  Line, and When is it Staff, Organisational Relations and Lines of Authority; New Organisational Designs,  The  Team  Structure,  The  Virtual  Organisation,  The  Boundaryless  Organisation, The Feminine Organisation.

5. Types of Authority:  Sources of Authority, Formal Authority Theory, Acceptance Theory, Competence  Theory;  Decentralisation  of  Authority;  Distinction  between  Delegation  and Decentralisation; Factors Determining the Extent of Decentralisation, Nature of Expansion; Advantages  of  Decentralisation;  Limitations  of  Decentralisation;  The  Technique  of Decentralisation;  Organisation  Charts;  Principles  of  an  Organisation  Chart;  Types  of  the Organisation Charts, On the Basis of Preparation, On the Basis of Organisational Structure, Methods  of  Constructing  an  Organisational  Chart;  Advantages  and  Limitations  of  the Organisation Charts.

6.Delegation  of  Authority:  Meaning  of  Delegation;  Formal  and  Informal  Delegation; Characteristics  of  Delegation;  Limitations  of  Delegation;  Process  of  Delegation, Entrustment of Responsibility, Granting of Authority, Creation of Accountability; Merits of Delegation;  Principles  of  Delegation;  Weaknesses  of  Delegation,  On  the  Part  of  the Superior, On the Part of the Subordinate, On the Part of the Organisation; Guidelines for securing  Better  Delegation;  Relationship  of  Authority  and  Responsibility;  Distinction between  Authority  and  Responsibility;  Distinction  between  Authority  and  Accountability; Distinction  between  Authority  and  Power;  Distinction  between  Responsibility  and Delegation; Specific Limits of Authority.

7.Decision-making: Decision-making Defined; Characteristics of Decision-making; Elements of  Decision-making;  Steps  in  Decision-making;  Principles  of  Decision-making;  Types  of Decisions;  Importance  of  Decision-making;  Rational  Decision-making,  Stages  in  the Process  of  Rational  Decision-making;  Quantitative  Techniques of  Decision-making,  Main Tools of OR.

8.Directing:  Directing  Defined;  Elements  of  Direction;  Importance  of  Direction;  Nature  of Direction-Functions  of  Management,  Pervasiveness  of  Direction,  Continuing  Function; Principles  of  Direction;  Principles  of  Issuing  Orders;  Types  of  Direction;  Techniques  of Direction.

9.Management  Control:    Control  Defined;  Nature  of Control;  Scope  or  Areas  of  Control; Process or Elements of Control or Steps in Control, Process of Control; Action to Reinforce the  Positive  and  Correct  the  Negative  Results;  Cybernetic  and  Non-cybernetic  Controls; Types of Control; Types of Critical Standards; Requirement of an Effective Control System; Principles of Control; Control Aids/Control Techniques; Other Methods of Control.

10.Management by Objectives:  What is MBO?; MBO Characteristics; Defining Objectives, Tests of a  Sound Objective; Action to be taken at Company Level; Action to be taken at Individual  Level;  Reviewing  Performance,  Conditions  which  will  Exist  when  MBO Becomes a Way of Running a Business; Benefits of MBO; Reasons: Why MBO Succeeds?; Reasons: Why MBO Fails?

11.Dimensions of Managerial Excellence:  The Concept of Excellence; Forms of Excellence; Criteria for Organisational Success; Forms of Organisational Excellence.

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